Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th THE DAY BREAKS . . . .

See yesterday’s blog on this site

Why is it, no matter what station your alarm is set to, it always plays some awful bad song.

It’s 7AM on March 4th. When this date was floated as a Strike and day of Action for public education more than four months ago, I frankly thought it was too far off. Now it’s here.

Usually at this time of morning I’ve left for work two hours ago. Into the dark and cold to some equally dark and cold construction site. Today not. Like thousands of workers I’m staying out today, possibly risking my job for this fight. This is the biggest bottom up movement in years. I’m striking for my 1st grade daughter’s quality of education and because I’m a socialist.

(I just got my first text of the day: “happy March 4th! It’s time to shut it down!”)

Our roommate told us yesterday that a few of her co-workers asked for the day off and her employer responded by banning anyone from taking the day off: a sign of the width of the movement and the fear of the employers. On the street yesterday we saw someone we didn’t know wearing a March 4th t-shirt! Then we ran into a comrade who says his parents are helping set up the sound system for our local rally today. His father has not been active politically since he was active in his native El Salvador.

Well, I’m off to drop off a bullhorn with a local teacher who’s going to hand it over (clandestinely) to the students organizing the walkout at our nearest high school.

Then we’re off to join that strike at 9 and march to Fruitvale, the main Latino community in Oakland.

Our 6-year old has been mentioning Rosa Parks lately. She mistakenly thought she refused to sit at the back of the bus because her feet were tired. I corrected her. Rosa Parks maintained that she was no more tired from work on that day than any other. But she was tired of injustice, that’s why she took her stand. Our family, with picket signs will be fighting injustice today.

Happy March 4th! SHUT IT DOWN!

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