Monday, February 22, 2010

CONDEMN "COMPTON COOKOUT!" March4 needs to take a stand



On February 15th students threw an off-campus party called the " Compton Cookout" with a Black fraternity member who calls himself" Jiggaboo Jones". In their facebook invitation the group targetted Black women in particular calling on people to come with " bad weaves, nappy hair talk loud and uneducated." The response has been led by Black women in demonstrations to the UCSD chancellor's office. After this event the UCSD radio station SRTV aired a program with commentators using the "N-word" on their program. A student found a piece of paper in the office reading, " Compton lynching". We need to condemn this!

When I went to UCLA the fraternities there had a "Ghetto night" which was similar this was the year after affirmative action was ended in the UC's. More against poor people of color in general. The fraternities have wised up and although did not say it was a frat sponsored event- have had their members to attend. Many police officers are members of racist white supremacist groups. During the day they wear a badge- at night a hood.

Now the UCSD administration is condemning the actions but has agreed to do anything besides "investigate". They are also "investigating" the hiring practices for Black faculty. While we fight to defend public education on March 4th the lack of Black students at universities has lead to bolder racism. As Black faculty and staff are not being hired and being laid off it has lead to more racism. The fight to defend public education is linked to the fight against racism! We want more Black enrollment and we want more Black jobs! Everyone has a right to public education and a job.

For people who are in San Diego please attend this teach-in organized by the Chancellor:

Chancellor sponsored forum
Wednesday February 24th
from 12noon-2:00pm at UCSD at the Price Center


Increased enrollment for Black students

Hire more Black faculty

Expell organizers of the Compton Cook-out at the SRTV Koala program

Link the struggles
Bring March 4th flyers and link the movement against racism with the State-wide fight to defend public education.

Julia Wallace
member of LA March 4th Committee

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