Thursday, November 20, 2008

it is hard to believe

Just now I see that Stephens the Republican Alaskan Senator who has been convicted of a number of felonies, that is taking bribes as a Senator, was making his farewell speech in the Senate. But it was not this that got me. I had expected this house of millionaires to let him talk about the great life he had there. But what got me was that when he finished they gave him a standing ovation. Yes, a standing ovation! So here was a convicted felon standing before the Senate getting a standing ovation. I am sure the many young people who are unjustly in the country's jails would like to address the senate. But their crime was too small and their power too little and they did not know enough on enough big shots. 

The people that run this country are going to provoke a major movement. Not just because of the attacks they are carrying out on living standards. But also because of their extremely stupid arrogance. Yesterday the CEO's of the big three flew each in his own companies private jet from Detroit to Washington to beg for money. Today the Senate gives a standing ovation to a Felon, to a convicted criminal who has been robbing the country blind. An explosion lies ahead.  


1 comment:

erin said...

I agree about an explosion lying ahead. I had dinner with my mom and her husband last night. They are doing pretty well financially right now because of my mother's husband got a consulting contract with a big company. In general, I have known him to be pretty invested in the system of capitalism. It has mostly worked for him. He told me about the big 3 execs arriving in their own planes. He did not quite agree with the idea of nationalizing the big 3, but he didn't attack it. The disgust that people have for the bankers and corporate execs and politicians is just enormous.