Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Palestians Cannot Escape Zionist Violence. The UK and the US are Major Partners in This Genocide

Richard Mellor

When I was growing up and the subject of World War Two came up. More often than not, the German people were thought collectively guilty for the rise of Nazism and the concentrations camps that sent some 12 million people to their deaths in gas chambers. Socialists, communists, trade union leaders, gays, religious sects, Roma, and of course, 6 million European Jews.  


I think it would be fair to say that as far as the Roma (what we used to call Gypsies) and Jews are concerned, the war against them was genocidal, a conscious attempt to wipe them out as a group.


What we have been witnessing, those that choose not to ignore it, is a similar genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, predominantly Muslims but not exclusively so.


The video above is an example of the conscious effort of the Zionists to drive Palestinians from Gaza and ultimately from the region entirely. Those it doesn’t murder that is.  In the video, Gazan’s are yet again being moved from areas that they have been told were safe as the Zionists bomb once again.   The IDF is shooting at them as they flee.


By some accounts there are now 40,000 dead and many more under the Rubble. Entire families have been wiped out. Cholera, Polio, and other diseases are now threatening to wipe out more people. Surely there is no person reading this or watching the video that isn’t aware that Israel has been found guilty in the world’s highest judicial body yet continues to murder civilians.


The US and its junior partner, the United Kingdom continues to supply the racist regime in Tel Aviv with diplomatic cover, billions in armaments and bombs. Who would have thought that the world’s nations, with a few exceptions,  would stand by and do nothing as an already poverty stricken and occupied people with no air force, no navy, no military as such and no state, and allow this to happen.


US workers are loading ships with weaponry and other commodities that are important imports for Israel. Workers throughout the western world are handling goods going in and coming out of Israel.


The Houthi’s a Yemeni group, in a country that has also been bombed repeatedly by the US, Britain and Saudi Arabia, has been attacking western and Israeli shipping and Iranian supported factions including Hezbollah in Lebanon has also engaged Israel. We have a situation where Yemeni Houthi’s are sacrificing their lives in order to halt the US, UK and Israeli genocide and they have, as have Iran I believe, stated they will halt their activity if the Zionist aggression against the occupied population of Palestine stops.


I never would have dreamed I would witness a genocidal assault like this in my lifetime and that the US and Britain and many other countries would not only not intervene to stop it but would arm and defend it.

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