Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm sorry says the pope

So the ex Nazi Youth member, now head of the Catholic church is "truly sorry" about the rampant child abuse in the organization he heads.  It is evident that sexual predators had a field day in this organization for years.  What the pope doesn't do in his recent letter that he has been forced to write due to the pressure from the victims, is cop to the fact that him and those before him, the hierarchy of his organization, knew sexual predators were rampant within the organization and did nothing about it.  Well, that's not quite true---- they did do something; they covered it up.  What they did when it came to their attention was they moved them around and gave them fresh new communities of children to abuse.

The Pope said there had been "serious mistakes" among bishops in responding to allegations of pedophilia. "Serious mistakes?"  One might want to call that an understatement but it is actually a plain old lie. What sort of mistake is made when someone reports to you that children in your care are being molested and all you do is move the molester to fresh hunting grounds? These people should be in jail, the pope included.

Writers on this blog have pointed to the corrupt and rotten nature of this institution.  It's role in history has been one of terror and violence. It held back human development and subjugated women.  It is run by misogynists.   This does not mean that the supporters of this blog do not and would not defend the right of an individual to have their religious beliefs free from discrimination.  But religion is a private matter.

It does fascinate me though how people can still belong to an organization like this or defend it.  I couldn't imagine someone tolerating it if I said I was in the Klan but I'm not a racist.

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