Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama's Healthcare-A Shameful Attack on American Women and Children

Across America and the world today headlines shout out that once again women rights have been trampled on, our bodies and our lives, and those of our children have been used as a bargaining chip to broker a health care deal touted as America's Health Care Revolution.
The Wall Street Street Journal this morning-"Deal on Abortion Puts Biggest Change in Decades over Top"
Globe and Mail Toronto -"Mr Obama secured victory over unanimous Republican opposition by winning over wavering anti-abortion lawmakers woth an executive order confirming that no federal money will pay for or subsidize abortions."
Financial Times London "Obama Abortion Order Lures Votes."
Can it be any more clearly and obscenely spelled out? A botched health care bill that will line the pockets of insurance companies and deny health care to non status residents-bad enough for sure-but to so blatantly use womens bodies , lives and futures as a deal breaker.
But we must not be surprised surely. History is jam packed examples of the careless , cavalier, cruel use and abuse of our bodies and control over our reproductive capacities and denial of our rights.
So Mr Obama and all you disgusting lawmakers and churchmen , no more than a pack of disgusting, predators, now that have come out loud and clear- no subtlety here -in this historic example of mysogynistic manoevering are you prepared to make sure that every woman in America has a well paying job and is able, if necessary to feed, house and educate every child they bear? Not a chance in hell.
Women will take charge of our reproductive choices! You thugs know that-if ever you have taken the time to read or even think about women's hidden history,but many will die and be maimed while trying desperately to cise our right to control over our bodies and our lives.
Women in America should be spitting mad today!
One thing for certain Mr Obama, I am sure glad I am not your daughter!

1 comment:

Sean said...

Dear Wendy, Thank you very much for your comments on the so called health bill, (more the result of the profit addicted privately owned sickness industry than anything to do with health,) passed here in the US. I agree with you. In the most cynical of attacks on womens' rights they bought the votes of the arrogant anti women men who refuse to give women control over their own bodies. Obama and all his so called liberal friends are now all part of this same dirty attack on womens' rights. They can never pose as being for womens' rights again.

This new bill will force millions of people to buy insurance who cannot afford insurance. To the extent this gets any subsidy from the state this will be a hand out of hundreds of millions of dollars from working peoples' taxes to the profit addicted sickness industrial complex, the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies, the hospital chains. This bill is a give away of our taxes to the profit addicted privately owned sickness industrial complex. It is a rip off by the big privately owned profit addicted corporations and it has been delivered by these corporations bought and paid for politicians in the Republican and democratic Parties alike.

These sickness based corporations exist for profit. These vultures see sick people only as a way to make profit. Obama and the Democrats hand in hand with the Republicans have passed a sickness bill that is based on more profits for the sickness industrial complex and the profit system on which this is based.

Those of us who organize this blog believe that profit should be taken out of health care. In stead it should be based on peoples needs. If the profit were taken out there would be more than adequate resources for everybody's needs. Not only that but the entire ethos of the health care industry would change. We would then be treated as human beings not as sources of profit. This would be better for the patients and the health care workers alike.

To take this step the entire sickness industrial industry has to be taken out of the ownership of the privately owned profit addicted sickness industry. Take over, nationalize, take into public ownership, collectivize, whatever term we want to use, the entire industry, hospitals, the pharmaceutical sector, everything related to health, run this industry on the basis of peoples needs, run this on the basis of democratically elected bodies made up of patients, health care workers, and the community as a whole. This is the way to go. take the profit out of health care.

And as we do so stand unconditionally for the right of women to have control over their own bodies and access to all the facilities to have control over their own bodies in the democratically controlled non profit health care industry.
