Monday, November 16, 2009

For the rich things are great for working people and the poor, see for yourself.

The New York Times, no friend of the working class or the poor, says in its Saturday November 14th, edition "that for construction and manufacturing workers, young men without college degrees, especially young black and Hispanic men, teenagers and those who were already poor when the recession began, the economic environment for all these groups is an absolute and utter disaster." Yes n "absolute and utter disaster." This is right. Obama has announced a "jobs summit." It is a bad joke. Or rather he is just pretending to do something to cover his ass. Meanwhile he cooperates with Wall Street.

The same article in the New York Times says: "It was the financial elites who took the economy down, and it was ordinary working people, the long time natural constituency of the Democratic Party who were buried in the rubble." Look at what Obama and his regime, the Republicans and their gang, and the corporate rulers of both these parties are presiding over.

There are twenty five unemployed construction workers for every job opening in construction and over a dozen in the durable goods industries. The unemployment rate for black Americans is fifteen point seven percent and the underemployment rate was an incredible twenty three point eight percent in September. For hispanics it was even worse, twenty five point one percent.

As the New York Times again says; 'Wall Street can boast about recovery all it wants, much of America is trapped in economic hell." It goes on: "The financial elites have flourished in recent decades to a great extent because they have had government on their side, with the politicians working diligently to ensure that rules, regulations and tax policies established an environment in which the elites could thrive. For ordinary Americans it has been a different story, with jobs shipped over seas by the millions and wages remaining stagnant, with labor unions under constant assault and labor standards weakened, with the safety net shredded, and the workers sent out to workers everywhere: you're on your own." They will not spell it out clearly but they are describing the capitalist offensive against the working class.

The privately owned profit addicted major corporations and their capitalist system own and run the country. They buy and control the two main political parties the Republicans and Democrats and the mass media. Over the past three to four decades they have been united in this massive offensive against the working class.

The first step for working people is to recognize this fact. This is the world in which we live. Under the hammer of the capitalist offensive. The second step it to openly refuse to give any support to this offensive, this system and any of its supporting institutions or parties. The third step is to recognize that we need to build our own independent working class organizations, independent organizationally and programatically and politically, we need to break the union leaders from their collaboration with the bosses in the team concept in the workplaces and support for the Democrats in the political arena. We need to go on our own working class offensive, we need to commit ourselves to not a single concession in any area, wages, conditions, benefits, etc. For this to be successful we also need to oppose all the divide and rule methods of the bosses, where they try to divide us on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation. We need to stand against racism and sexism in all its forms.

This is what we should fight for as a starter:

For a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour or a $5.00 an increase for all whichever is the greater.
For a guaranteed job for all through a reduction in the work week and massive public investment in the infrastructure, health and education sectors.
For free health care and education at the point of use.
An end to the invasions, occupations and wars abroad and transfer the country's military spending to social spending.
Tax the rich until the pips squeak.
Take over the major privately owned profit addicted corporations into collective ownership and run them on the basis of the needs of all and through democratic management and control.

This is what we need to do. This is what those of us who run this blog fight for. Please contact us and join us in this fight. Please go to the donate icon on this site and donate to our fight. Do not stand by. Get involved. Contact us.


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