Friday, December 26, 2008

Shoe throwing creates jobs

The Turkish firm, which claims it made the shoes that the Iraqi Journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi threw at Bush says it has had to take on 100 extra staff to cope with the surge in orders.

A first step, albeit a temporary solution, in decreasing unemployment globally therefore increasing demand which would ease the present crisis, would be to organize a world wide shoe throwing campaign aimed at the steps of US embassies and where there are no embassies, at posters and banners bearing Bush's likeness. This would not kill any innoccents. The shoes could then be recycled by the new US administration which claims it will solve the enviromental crisis.

This would cost considerably less than the $8 trillion of the taxpayers money that is being thrown at capitalism in the form of bail outs and stimulus packages and would create jobs. What a deal.

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