
John Dunn UK
I, missen is really lookin' forrard to them there £4,200 squid energy bills...
Why? You might ask...
Well think abert it forra bit...
Us here workin' class types dunt know how to handle money...
Does us?
That's why we ant gorr any...
Cos we spends it on things like 72 inch tellies...
An' then just sit there watchin it...
Wi' a styrofoam box full o' chips...
I knows that is true, like...
Cos that there pompous arsehole Jamie Oliver said so...
An' he shus know...
He's a multi, multi millionaire...
Who made his money sellin' ready meals in plastic containers...
Oh, an' nickin his staff's tips...
An' has we forgotted the tried an' tested economic model, that actually works?
It's called TRICKLE DOWN...
We gives us money to them that's already gorra lot...
An' then some o' it...
Cos them there rich types sets another chauffeur, an' a butler on...
Who then spends there wages in us local shops...
Meanin' food prices comes down, like...
It's worked for centuries, like...
So why moan abert it now?
Look forrard to them there good ol' days...
When yer winders frosted up on the inside...
An' yer sat under a blanket wi a candle for warmth...
It dint do us any 'arm...
Did it...
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