Wall Street Journal. The main mouthpiece of US capitalism. It leads the spinning and censoring to convince us that the Tucson events had nothing to do with the system.
Capitalism is still spinning and censoring like crazy to convince us that Tucson was a lone nut and that is all. As their increasingly discredited idiot Palin puts it: "Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state, not with those who listen to talk radio, not with maps of swing districts used by both sides of the aisle, not with law abiding citizens who respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights." Unfortunately for Palin, and the propaganda effort over all, Palin used an anti Semitic term which undermined her message.
The Wall Street Journal again has its main article on its first page today on this topic. Its heading is: "Suspect's downward spiral." The main article on its first page two days in a row to convince us the alleged shooter is a lone nut and that is all. This says how important it is for them. As our last post said capitalism is waging an ideological war for the consciousness of the working class. It seeks to get us to accept that Tucson had nothing to do with the system, nothing to do with the more right wing elements in the system and that as Palin says the shootings "stand on their own." Anybody with half a brain knows that nothing stands on its own. Everything has to be seen in context.
Last night we had the memorial in Tucson with Obama and other members of the federal and state governments present. We unconditionally condemn the shootings in Tucson. Innocent people like the little nine year old girl were killed and others injured. The political affect of this will be to give the state more of an excuse to increase repressive laws and clamp down on dissent and opposition views and organizing. And it will also give the opportunity to increase the propaganda of the capitalists that we are all Americans and we must unite together for the good of the country. They will use this so called unity talk to cut wages, jobs and conditions. Whatever way you look at it these shootings were a step back for working class struggle and consciousness.
The memorial in Tucson like the shootings in Tucson has to be seen in context. We unreservedly sympathize with the people injured and the families of the people killed. However we have to consider what we are watching. All the speakers and especially Obama support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, one speaker even boasted he had a son there. These wars have killed and are killing hundreds of thousands of people. Think of how people in these countries and the region will be thinking. Six Americans are killed and the entire country's mass media and state swings into mourning. The President arrives and makes a major speech. How does the US react when the hundreds of thousands are killed in the US wars abroad, how does the US react when one of its drones kill innocent families in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Afghanistan? And by the way Obama who was there last night with all his talk of peace and unity increased the use of drone bombings over the numbers used when Bush was President. The rest of the world watching last night's memorial will have no choice but to conclude that in the opinion of those who staged last night's events American lives are worth more than other peoples lives. The killings by the US military and its drones are celebrated while the killings of Americans are made into an occasion for national mourning.
Sherrif Dupnik was present at the memorial. But they did not ask him to speak. Increasingly his voice and his condemnation of the vicious atmosphere of debate and Arizona being a mecca of bigotry and hate and his condemnation of Arizona's lax gun laws is being silenced. As we have said on this blog many times, the US media is one of the most censored in the world. Slowly and surely, and more and more each day, through this censorship the right wing lone nut theory of Tuscon is gaining dominance in the mass media. However one of the problems for US and world capitalism at this time is the Internet. They do not control this and so alternative views can circulate on a mass scale as is the analysis that we put forward here.
This is one of the reasons they are going so hard after Wikileaks and Bradley Manning and Assange. They want to prevent any development of an alternative analysis and narrative of events from the one that suits them. The release of cables and correspondence such as Wikileaks is doing undermines their war for the consciousness of the working class, undermines their efforts to feed their analysis to the working class. So please remember, keep up your campaign to release Bradley Manning and defend wikileaks and Assange. There is talk that if he is extradited to the US he could be sent to Guantanamo Bay. The US capitalists want to make an example of him to intimidate others from using their skills and access to information to let us know what is being done in our names. It especially wants to stop members of the US military from taking such action. The US military is under more and more pressure in its wars and more of its members are concluding that they do not want to continue with these wars. So please continue with your campaign to Free Bradley Manning and to defend Wikileaks and Assange.
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