Tuesday, December 8, 2009

CA Statewide Student Walkout!!

3.5 Million Strong Can't Be Wrong!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
10:00am - 8:00pm
Up & down the Golden State!


Listen up all you 3.5 Million California College Students! We're going to take our education back! There's strength in numbers and with all of us concentrating our rallying might on March 4th, 2010 we will be making some very serious national news. The date has gotten significant publicity already and will be a great day for local action!

Come out all you students, and bring the teachers too. All you moms, dads, cousins, sisters, business owners, politicians, alumni, activists, artists, media types- $1 spent on education = $3 out! That is good business. California's got to lift itself up by the bootstraps, and climb out of this hole. EDUCATION IS THE MEANS TO THAT END!

Each event is up to each individual school. The UC's have organized it as 'March Forth on March Fourth', and many of them will be going to LA or Sacramento (Even though the Legislature is not in session).

Region 6 of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges chose to piggy-back efforts to this date as a day for local action. The primary objective is to rally against continuing budget cuts, in cooperation with UC & CSU counterparts throughout the state. We've got the support of many different parties from all of the above. There's strength in numbers and California's educational system needs all the strength it can get.

I cannot stress enough to concentrate on the END and not the means. The primary focus is mobilizing California's (3.5 Million+) student population to speak up on this SINGLE DAY leading up to the March 22nd March in March at the capitol in Sacramento.

Other major statewide advocacy dates:

February 16-20- Save Our Schools (S.O.S.) Week:

February 20- Educational Stimulus Jam:

March 22- March in March:

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