Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Boom-Boom Giwalsky

Lucky for me I work with nurses. The nurses at my job are friendly, funny and serious about their job. They stand up for their clients and they stand up for themselves at the same time which is difficult in social services field. Because often times they visit their clients at home it is an opportunity for them to care for their patients without the boss looking over their shoulder and give more holistic treatment to their patients. A great example is Mandy Giwalsky. All of 64 years of age she walked into the treatment center I work at the first day with a 3 inch crucifix around her neck and thick Bostonian accent. An addition that didn't quite fit with the tattooed refomed gangta drug abuse counselors. Not to mention our clients many of whom have lived much of their lives locked up for stealing radios, sex work or bank robberies to support their habit.

Mandy Giwalsky told me about her walks to the store with a patient who may have only a few t-cells left and talks about the sunset. She says a lot of their illness comes from being lonely so I want to show them the beauty in life, not just sit around and fill out some fuckin paperwork, whats that about she says ?! She stole the show at our Halloween party with her boxing gloves and old fashioned helmet. She was Boom Boom Gilwalsky kicking her feet in the air and shadow boxing through the halls.

Today I asked her some other women's health questions. She said for so long FDA approved drugs were only done with male subjects and now the brilliant idea is woman and men's bodies are not the same. She said, " This is the same shit we have been talkin about for years." I said, She said, " The problem is more than just the healthcare system. Im tellin yeah Julia we need a revolution and I'll be on the front lines! Because this is getting ridiculous. I'm tellin yeah Julia we need a revolution!" I was floored. I have never seen her eyes get so intense her chest went from white to pink. Just then I got a phone call from a client and the conversation stopped. Later in the break room we talked about it some more. I told her I was for a revolution to and i talked to her about Cuba's healthcare system. I told her Cuba is not a perfect system but because companies are not running the countries healthcare the people are treated better and the workers live better too. We need a system working people control. The feeling of solidarity and trust was inspiring.

Capitalism is a cancer which needs a radical mastectomy. It works against the nature instinct humans have to take care of one another. Capitalism is a parasite on humanity it makes people go to war, to lie for profit, to sleep on the street when there homes up the block, to deny medicine when it is in the cabinet. Capitalism like any other malignant tumor needs a revolution to sever it from humanity. Revolution isn't violence its a life saving proceedure.

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