Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chrysler won't tell

There is talk of a possible "joint venture" between Italy's Fiat and Chrysler. Fiat are apparently considering a 35% in stake in Chrysler with an option to take a majority share at a later date.
When questioned on the subject Chrysler (as if it were a living thing) "declined to comment" writes the Financial Times. Chrysler refuses to "confirm or disclose the nature of its private business meetings." says the corporation.

Why should Chrysler, or to be more accurate, the few people that control it, be allowed to keep secret its functioning?

The private equity firm Cerberus, which owns Chrysler, includes the imbecile Dan Quayle as one of its officers. In exchange for the connections a family like that can bring, they hire one of its idiot sons and give him some sort of title and a bloated salary; it pays off though---for them.

The major corporations are completely run in secret as is the whole economy. The workers have no say in what is to be done with Chrysler. The same people whose policies led to where we are now are telling the rest of us, including those whose Labor built Chrysler, that what happens at Chrysler is their business and nothing to do with us. And they are begging us for money at the same time.

This is what capitalists call freedom.

We demand that the books of these corporations be opened to public scrutiny, to indviduals to trade unions, community groups and the like. Firms that are proven to be broke should be nationalized under workers control and management. What we produce, how we produce it, in other words, how we use the resources of society for the benefit of all and in harmony with the environment will be decided collectively, not by a small handful of coupon clippers.

That's what I call freedom.

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