Friday, October 17, 2008

Still tottering.

In spite of the unprecedented amount of money thrown at the banks and financial institutions the world's financial system is still tottering on the edge of the precipice. And the capitalist class who are supposed to know about things are panic stricken and do not know what to do. One example of this is in an article on the collapse of the finance system in Iceland in the Wall Street Journal of October 17th.  One of the Icelandic government's advisers was asked: "Were the authorities blinded by optimism?" He answered: "When you are running a financial system based on trust, you have to believe in it. When you stop believing it, it falls apart." Think about this. So as long as the people running the finance system believe in it all will be well. This is madness and stupidity of the worse kind. Can we run our households in this way. As long as keep believing in our ability to balance our books we will be able to do so. Every working class person knows this is nonsense. We should be running the system not these idiots. 

I reported yesterday about the 300% rise in the sales of Marx in germany. I see today that Jack London is quoted in the Wall Street Journal. We have always been convinced that capitalism had not overcome its contradictions and would again enter a severe crisis. This is now happened. We also predicted that when this took place the search for an alternative to capitalism would once again be placed on the agenda of the mass of the working class. This has not happened in a conscious way yet. There has been a change in the mass consciousness in terms of the tidal wave of questioning of capitalism. But there has not yet been the same movement to demand an alternative to capitalism. But this will come. And there are little signs. We must nurture and strengthen every effort by working class people to question capitalism and to seek an alternative by openly standing for socialism and marxism. As my companion said to me the other day. "Why are you not having more meetings? After all now is the time. You were right the way things were does not work. Everybody can see that now."


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