Wednesday, February 10, 2010

US provokes violence, terrorism and poverty world wide.

There has recently been talk about Yemen and the danger of the rise of Islamic radical groups which has taken place there. The person who made the recent attempt to bomb the plane in Detroit was apparently trained in Yemen.

This blog has always argued that it is the US corporations and their government and military, in other words US imperialism, who go out plundering and stealing and exploiting and waging wars and killing around the world who create the anger against the US. And who create the forces who organize to fight and blow up planes and buildings owned by the US. And who make the lives of the US people unsafe. We have also argued that the US consciously and in a systematic fashion organizes these forces such as Islamic fundamentalism in its most extreme form. The reason they did so was to build forces to fight Stalinism which at the time was their main opposition in the region and world wide.

Look at the case of Yemen. Beginning in the early 1970's the trend in Yemen, Morocco,Egypt and the Persian Gulf was to Islamicize education. This was done with the backing and the actual involvement of US Imperialism and financed by it and its allies such as the Bush family, friends to the dictators of Saudi Arabia and all the dictators in the rich oil states. The idea was to stand against the forces of Stalinism and the left in the Middle East. Islamic fundamentalism was organized by US imperialism to stand against Stalinism.

The fundamentalist Islamic sect based in Saudi Arabia known as the Wahabis was mobilized to roam the Islamic world to set up mosques and schools, to distribute books, to preach and organize, all with the finances of Saudi Arabia and its puppet master the US. The "truths" of Wahabism" became the core curriculum in most schools in Yemen. This destroyed the opportunity to develop the skills such as problem solving, communication, the sciences, critical thinking, debate, organization and teamwork. It destroyed what was necessary to train a well skilled workforce and give the youth a future.

So what has been the result? Some Yemenis in spite of everything got a college education mainly abroad. But what is their situation? Right now there are some 300,000 college educated graduated Yemenis out of work. 65,000 teachers have only high school degrees. 15,000 children are not going to school at all. The US and its allies have destroyed the education system.

And of course women have been driven practically underground. Ahmed Sofan, a Yemeni parliamentarian told the New York Times that back in the 1970's if you visited a village in his rural constituency most of the women would be unveiled and working alongside the men. This no longer exists. Now there is the Wahabi reactionary conservatism where women are to be inside and veiled. A former prime minister explained also to the New York times that when he was growing up, "we studied Darwinism in my high school without challenge." Not anymore. He went on:" The East Asian miracle wasn't possible without women. In the Arab world if half our society is excluded how will we ever catch up with these new tigers?"

The US and its allies destroyed the 20th century education system in Yemen. It launched the drive to build the extreme Islamic sect to prop up the regime and the many Islamic regimes in the region. It armed and arms its utterly reactionary and backward allies who rule the oil producing states in the region. And it backs the Zionist regime in Israel with its policy of crushing the Palestinian people. No wonder the US is hated by the majority of the people in the Islamic world. This hatred has been created by the deliberate actions of US imperialism that carried out these policies in the interests of its profits and power and to keep control over the resources and regions of the world.

Look what could be done instead if we had a democratic socialist society in the US with an international outlook. For each predator missile that is fired at Yemen 50 new modern schools could be built which could teach science, maths, critical thinking etc, and which would be open to all, male and female alike. But US imperialism will never do this. They want control over the region, they want to increase military bases and occupations and wars, they want to take trillions from the US tax payers for their military industrial complex. War is profitable. On the basis of US Imperialism the US people will remain under threat and the people of the poor countries of the world will remain in poverty and will become more and more angry at what is being done to them. This is a recipe for disaster. US Imperialism and the US ruling class have forfeited their right to rule. US and world capitalism has forfeited its right to exist.

We are for the ending of all wars and occupations abroad. We are for working nationally and internationally for the dismantling of the military industrial complexes of the world, we are for a democratic socialist federation of the world in which the resources will be used for all of our needs in a sustainable way and in which all of us can have the opportunity to develop to our full potential.

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