Friday, February 26, 2010

Capitalism gets shakier.

The Wall Street Journal is the voice of US capitalism. In the last few days it has been showing its hand, and with it the crisis and obscenity of its own system. On Wednesday its main heading was "Lending Falls at Epic Pace." It explained this was linked to the crisis of the banks. The number of banks at risk of failing is at a 16 year high. The banks problems are expected to continue through 2010. And according to this same article there is a "rising tide of commercial real estate problems." So in spite of the trillions handed over to them the banks are still in crisis, the number expected to fail in 2010 according to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chair Sheila Bair will likely be more than in 2009.

As the organizers of this blog have been saying; in spite of being given trillions in bail out money capitalism has not solved the crisis of its own system. It is most likely that a new and worse crisis similar to that of 2008/2009 lies ahead. This time it will not be so easy for the capitalists to loot the tax payers money to bail themselves out. People remember the bail out and see what followed; more speculation and fraud and massive bonuses.

This crisis is likely to be made worse by the crisis in the currency markets and especially the Euro. The Wall Street Journal on Friday February 26th had as its main headline; "Hedge Funds Pound the Euro." It went on to talk about these swindlers and criminal bankers who control funds of tens of billions and who are betting that the Euro will collapse. Of course this makes it more likely the Euro will collapse. And if they pull out their money this will make it even more likely. They are playing with a deck that is rigged in their favor.

This article gives a glimpse of how the system and these swindlers and criminals work. Earlier this month an investment bank hosted a dinner in a private town house in Manhattan. The guests were carefully selected. They were all major speculators who controlled billions. At this dinner they discussed what was likely to happen to the world's currencies and what they could do to make a lot of money. In the course of this they were able to feel each other out, hear each others ideas. And see what way the other was thinking and see what they themselves should speculate on to make the most money. There was a feeling to go after the Euro, pull their money out of it, not loan it money and in this way bring it down. Thinking in this way they can make a lot of money putting their money into dollars instead. This is what is going on.

Capitalism is an utterly degenerate, rotten and sick system. And it is riding for an even greater fall than we witnessed in 2008/2009.

There was another meeting this week. That between the Democrats and Republicans over health care. As usual no deal was reached. The politicians are bought and paid for by Wall Street and this includes the sickness industrial complex. They were all there, mainly white males, with their suits and white shirts, (who washes and irons these shirts for them I wonder,) and their mainly red ties. The uniform of the swindler and criminal elite who help the capitalists loot the economy. The Republicans are the unashamed attack dogs of capitalism. The Democrats pretend to be for working people but are also the attack dogs of capitalism. Look at the pathetic spectacle of this meeting between the two parties on health care.

There could easily be free health at the point of use for all in this country. This country could easily have a good health care system free at the point of use. How you will say?

There is a powerful rage out there against the sickness industrial complex and its addiction to profit above all else. Hundreds of thousands have died because the sickness industrial complex swindles them out of health care. The way to have free health care in this country is to go out and tell people that this is the reality and campaign to take all profit out of health care by taking all sectors of the health industrial complex out of the profit system and putting it under working peoples democratic control.

Let the sickness industrial complex and their two parties launch their attack. Bring it on. Take them on head on with the their profit addiction and the hundreds of thousands they have killed and are killing with their mad drive for profits. A mass movement of unstoppable proportions could be built. This is the way to get a health care for all free at the point of use. take on and frighten and take the power away from the profit addicted capitalists who control the sickness industrial complex.

Why you might say does the Democrats not launch such a campaign. It is not so difficult to see. First they are as much addicted to the profit system as the capitalists and the Republicans. But also if such a campaign were to succeed it would have to take on the proportions of tens of millions. The biggest mass movement in this country ever would have to be built. This terrifies the Democratic Party politicians. What would they do with this movement after the health care was won. What would they do with this movement to prevent it from taking up other issues, wages, benefits, conditions, the corruption of the politicians and so on during the campaign itself. No this would be too dangerous. The Democrats will never take this road.

The union leaders could also launch such a campaign. But they fear such a movement just as much as the Democrats. The union leaders believe there is no alternative to capitalism and so they believe that to mobilize the working class in this way would only create chaos and threaten their control and privileges. So we have this spectacle of trying to get agreement on a totally inadequate bill and the force that could free health care at the point of use is not called to battle.

The only way forward for this country is that the capitalist monopoly of politics be ended by the building of a mass workers political party and that the union leadership be replaced by one that will fight for its members and be prepared to confront and campaign against the profit addicted capitalist system and replace it by a democratic socialist society.

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