Wednesday, December 2, 2009


 "There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so
odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, you
can't even passively take part; and you've got to put your bodies upon
the gears and upon the wheels, upon all the apparatus, and you've got
to make it stop, And you've got to indicate to the people who run it,
the people who own it, that unless you're free the machine will be
prevented from working at all." (Mario Savio 1964)

Hi Folks, Come on by today, Dec 2nd and bring friends.

Here's the basic plan as people decided in the meeting last night.  If
you have questions or clarifications please cc them to

1) Wake up early!  Folks will be prepping on Sproul from 7-11 AM.
Come by to help with last minute prep.

2) Be on Sproul by 11:30, ideally.  Wear RED armbands.
Congregate on the Sproul Steps, when the event begins we
will link arms in front of the mic and our MCs and our speakers
will speak in front of our line.  People will hold banners, signs,
chalk the front of Sproul Hall, etc, as they see fit.  We will begin our
program at 12 sharp.  MCs will maneuver our crowd and use our chants
in order to respond to / drown out the ASUC if they choose to
interfere in our event.

3) After we are done on Sproul, we march to the location of our action/meeting.
The march will take us through Sather Gate, to California Hall, around the
library and then loop back past Wheeler.  We will end by taking space
by reclaim.  This will be one of three places (there are contingency
plans) - wheeler auditorium,
the bears lair food court, or the chancellors residence / garden.   The
meeting will explicitly discuss large scale mass actions for reading week
and building those up into finals week.  Be ready to take and hold space,
rest assured that there will be no rational excuse for the police to attack
us (well be nonviolent, etc) but that has never protected us from UCPD
harassment and violence.

FRIENDS / your ideas / red arm bands / red / signs / banners /
bullhorns / drums / musical instruments / CHALK (spray and regular) /
sound recordings and a way to play them thru the bullhorn / printouts
of our demands / caution tape / packing tape / markers / butcher paper
/ paint

Who are our Speakers:
We aren't entirely sure yet.  People who want to speak will have
to make contact with our MCs (alejandro/xander/amber at 11, and
will need to write out their SHORT statements (think 1-2 paragraphs
max).  The MCs will do their best to slot people in.

Constraints on Speakers:
1) The first speaker will speak on "Why we are here"
2) Someone (TBD) will read our Demands.
3) We will recite Mario Savios famous words in unison.
They are being printed, but they are pasted above FYI.
The MCs will look over who is saying what, and slot
this in at an opportune time...
4) Free Speech Veterans who wish to speak will be invited
to speak.

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