Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lieberman/"international community". I get enraged.

There are all sorts of things that get me so enraged that I have a hard time not getting up to see if there is somebody responsible that I can give a good kicking to.

These days one such creature is Lieberman, the Senator. Listening to him drone on endlessly pretending to be a man of principle on health care drives me mad. His actions are very simply explained. He is blocking any moves on health care reform that might hurt those who finance him, those who have bought and paid for him. Over his Senate career Lieberman has pocketed over $1 million from the so called health industry, that is from the profit addicted privately owned sickness industrial complex. In his 2006 re-election campaign he ranked second in the senate for bribes from this sickness industry. He pretends he is worried about the budget deficit. This is the man who has voted for and votes for every last weapon and gun and bullet to be sent to Israel and other US stooges abroad without a word about the budget deficit. What a dirty corrupt hypocrite. Any decent principled society would never have this man in a prominent position.

Then there is another thing that makes me mad. I was reminded of it the other day when reading an article in the capitalist media. You must all be familiar with it, I am talking about the use of the formulation: "The International Community." Like with Lieberman this formulation also makes me get up and look around to get my hands on the culprit and give them a good kicking. What is this "International Community?" The so called International Community is that group of nations and their stooges and boot lickers who rule the world and brutality exploit the poor and the working class of the world. More bluntly, the International Community is Imperialism. Any entity which acts in a way that is not approved of by US Imperialism and its imperialist allies world wide are said to be "outside the International Community." This is much better for them to say than to say these forces do not agree with the major imperialist powers so the major imperialist powers are going to try everything to force them into line, to force them back into the "International Community," to force them to bend the knee to Imperialism.

I am proud to say I would not be considered to be part of the International Community. "tis an honor.


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