Friday, November 20, 2009

UC Regents Stunned by Demonstration

Cant write much from phone. 2000 count. Cops were very aggressive. Hit me and Arturo. Choked a student. Sprayed a lot. Prevented regents from leaving for two hours stormed Karen Bass car. Many lessons to be learned by students. Little union presence.

Facts for Working People received this note from Julia in Los Angeles. The UC Regents (unelected bosses of University of California) yesterday laid off hundreds of workers and raised tuition 32%. The workers and students surrounded the Regents meeting, blocking their exit. Karen Bass, top leader of the California Assembly, which governs the largest state in the US, was in her car surrounded by protesters. She was literally ROCKED by hundreds of students. This is just the beginning.
More to come from Julia . . . .

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