Sunday, November 8, 2009

So called health bill - women's rights under attack again

This health bill which was passed in the House, in terms of peoples' health in general, is pathetic. It leaves millions still uninsured, costs still extremely high and the profit addicted private health industrial complex still making billions. But not only that it steps up the attacks women's rights.

Obama and the Democrats had to get a health bill passed so they could claim they did not suffer a political defeat. So as I say they agreed to an entirely inadequate bill. Compromise after dirty compromise with the Republicans and their own right wing was their game. They could have gone to the people and explained the issues and how the ordinary people were being ripped off and won mass support. But of course as parties entirely based on capitalism and terrified of the movement of working class people they would never do this. So they made their dirty compromises and moved to the right.

Part of the dirty compromises that led to this agreement has been that they sold out women's rights. They have betrayed women in their dirty dealing. The restrictions on abortion rights in the present bill go further than the present restrictions that exist. Obama, the Democrats and the Republicans have increased the attacks on women's rights. What a bunch of chauvinist right wing swine.

Of course they had their mainly male backers egging them on. The Catholic Bishops, these all male degenerates who have presided over the epidemic of child abuse and sexual abuse in their own organization, and covered this up, have been to the fore in demanding that the health bill deny women their rights. Obama and the Democrats came in posing as liberals and they have now agreed to restrict women's rights further.

The so called health bill prohibits coverage for abortion. It is hard enough for women to get an abortion in this country, especially in the more rural areas. It is especially hard for poor working class women. A first trimester abortion costs between $350 to $900. Of course the rich women whether Republican or Democrat will be able to afford an abortion and to get a doctor to accommodate them. They have the money and the connections. We totally reject the health care bill and the approach of the two right wing capitalist parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. We totally reject the increased attacks on women.

We stand for the right of women to choose in the fullest sense.

We stand for the right of women to choose not to have their baby if this is their decision. That is we stand for their right to have an abortion. We stand for this to be their decision and their decision alone. We stand for a free national health care system within which they can have the benefit of the best and most modern treatment if they choose to have an abortion.

We also stand for the right of women to choose to have their child if that is their decision. The right to choose means to choose to not have a baby or to have a baby. The right to choose to have a baby means the right to a well paid job with full health care benefits, a decent and affordable place to live and free childcare at work, school and home.

The right not to have a baby and the right to have a baby together go together to make the real and full right to choose.

We need to begin to build a new movement for women's rights. The Republicans and Democrats and the big business forces that back them are taking away the rights that were won in the past. This new movement needs to campaign on the right to choose in its fullest sense as explained above.


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