Friday, January 1, 2010

Another year. Continuing the fight for revolutionary socialism.

It is not possible to say what this year will bring. 2008 and 2009 brought the great financial crisis when world capitalism was only saved from going over the cliff's edge by being given trillions of dollars worth of working peoples' taxes. And even with this the problem of the world economy has not been solved. A new financial crisis lies ahead. We still have the massive over capacity which has to be burnt out of the system. The demand does not exist for the productive capacity that is there. Something will have to give. Whether this happens this year or later it is not possible to say. But happen it will.

When it does it will have a further affect on the consciousness of the working class. The working class will come to see more clearly that the capitalist system does not work. This will be helpful to building a democratic socialist alternative to capitalism. Some people criticize people like me saying we want the economy to collapse so that workers will come to socialism. They say look at the suffering that would come with an economic collapse. We need to be clear on this argument.

We are not in favor of the economy collapsing in order that the working class sees though capitalism. No that is not the case. However it is not what we want or what we do not want that matters at this time. It is what is likely to happen given the balance of forces. Capitalism is in a severe crisis, this is shown by the mass poverty and wars and alienation worldwide. The leaders of the mass workers organizations, the trade unions and the workers parties should be pointing to this reality. They should be mobilizing all their forces in an anti capitalist movement and building mass workers socialist organizations. If they were a mass workers revolutionary socialist movement could be built.

But these union leaders refuse to do this. They cling on to capitalism and support it as the only system. The result is that the anger and movements from below are blocked and or diverted from drawing the anti capitalist pro socialist conclusion. It is because of the refusal of the labor and union leaders to give a socialist lead that the working class will most likely have to go through the fire of capitalist economic crises and catastrophe in order to draw revolutionary socialist conclusions and build revolutionary socialist organizations.


1 comment:

Richard Mellor said...

One German bourgeois says in the Wall Street Journal "Capitalism means lurching from crisis to crisis and getting stronger over time.....We need more capitalism than we have"

Well, they're getting it and so are we, one in four home borrowers were "under water" in the third quarter according to the WSJ and they've raised the debt ceiling to $14 trillion so they can borrow more of our money in 2010 to bail it out further....more capitalism thanks to public funding.