The German t.v. show Panorama did a great 12-minute documentary on Bradley Manning last year which they’ve now released in English. It features an interview by Ethan McCord, the soldier who helped rescue the children in the van shown on the Collateral Murder video.
Frontline has issued a press release about Bradley Manning and Wikileaks in preparation for their hour-long special called “WikiSecrets” that will be premiering next week. This special is looking at the relationship between Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and the organization as a whole. The press release states: “Smith also examines the events surrounding the publication of the leaked documents, interviewing key players like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange; Assange’s former colleague Daniel Domscheit-Berg; and Adrian Lamo, a well-known figure in the cyber underground who eventually turned Manning over to the authorities and is now living in an undisclosed location over fears for his safety.” Check your local PBS listings for further information on this special.
Writing for The New Statesman, Peter Tatchell has released a one year update on Bradley Manning called, “One Year in Jail, Bradley Manning is a Hero.” He gives an overview of Bradley’s case, including his mistreatment at Quanico and the ongoing resistance to Bradley’s incarceration. At the bottom he has input on how UK Citizens can get involved with with the Bradley Manning Support Network and speak out on Bradley’s imprisonment, including contacting British MPs, since Bradley is a Welsh citizen through his mother. They also have an overview of how Wikileaks has changed the political and social landscape since the release of the “Collateral Murder” video.
McClatchy discovers that 1 out of 10 U.S. Diplomatic Cables released by Wikileaks mentions oil, showing how time and resources the U.S. State Department puts into trying to control the substance.
For LA-based supporters, LA Taco has come up with a list of the five most important Wikileaks cables for Los Angeles, which runs the gammet from Scientology to organized crime to the potential presence of back-up hijackers in LA during 9/11.
If you haven’t yet, please join the I Am Bradley Manning Campaign. Currently submissions are coming in from all over the world, stating that exposing war crimes is not a crime and Bradley has the right to a fair trial. Get involved now!
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