Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Woman with the "Blue Bra": Egypt Women's movement inspires us all. Organize support.

This video and this commentary has been added since the first blog was written.  You Tube warns that of the graphic violence in this video.  The violence is committed by the dogs that the US government has armed and funded with US taxpayer's money.  The sickening hypocrisy of Hilary Clinton to giving speeches at the UN about gender rights and condemning the violence against women being committed by her former friends dogs in Tahir Square, pure political circus.  Millions of women have faced the most extreme violence throughout the world through policies Hilary Clinton supports.  Hundreds of thousands of women and children died during the US government driven sanctions against Iraq.  Where was Hilary Clinton all this time?  When the Egyptian people rose up against the US thug Mubarak, the US government never abandoned its ally until it became crystal clear he was on his way out.  The dogs attacking this woman have been trained and funded by the US taxpayer.  And back home the US government wages war on workers and the poor to pay for it.  Continue on for the original piece.


It was the biggest movement of Egyptian women since a 1919 march of women against colonial rule. Egypt is the mot important of all the Arab countries. When thousands of women take to the streets and demand they be listened to then this is a historic event. The all male military dictatorship are trying to drive them off the streets with brute force, killings and beatings. But not only this brutal rape and humiliations. The military after they took over power in February performed invasive, pseudo-medical 'virginity tests' on several women arrested after a demonstration in March. This was rape intended to intimidate all women. So is the stripping of women and the beating of women in the recent march. The video of the young women where she was stripped and beaten by all male soldiers makes things clear. When her clothes were pulled off she was shown to be wearing a blue bra. She is now referred to as the "blue bra girl" and "blue bra" is being used on twitter to spread the word asking for support for the movement.

At a news conference a woman journalist asked a general to apologize to the women of Egypt. He refused. This same journalist said if he did not the "next revolution will be a women revolution for real." To over come the fact that few people outside the main cities have access to the Internet steps are being taken to set up screens where the lies of the generals can be exposed and the real events can be shown.

These military thugs have been the creatures of Washington for decades. Armed and financed by them. Do not be fooled by Clinton's criticisms. These thugs have also been the bed fellows of the Zionist region in Israel. Now they are viciously murdering their own people. We must give them our support.

This is especially important as this movement so far is a movement of women. In this Islamic country with so much male chauvinist ideology not only will this movement have to fight the military and its backers in the US and Israel but it will also have to fight the organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and also backward sexist ideas in the middle and working class especially the middle and working class men. This heroic inspiring women's movement get our support. Send messages and demonstrate at Egyptian consulates and embassies world wide.


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