Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Billionaire waster Rush Limbaugh's feeble efforts to portray himself as the friend of the white worker

Rush: he cares about you.
Here is what I got from the Tea Party today. Their old friend Rush Limbaugh, a right wing pimp for the capitalist class, is using the old divide and rule tactics to stir up white workers. You have to consider the source. Here's a guy who got out of going to Vietnam due to a cyst we heard. His whole clan is an infested mass of lawyers, politicians of the 1% and judges, those who suppress the struggles of workers and youth, bring injunctions against workers on strike or have the cops help the scabs break strikes by crossing picket lines driving plenty of white workers in to poverty. He is a multi-millionaire if not a billionaire signing an 8-year, $400 million contract extension with the 1% media propaganda machine, Clear Channel in 2008. The difference between him and his class colleague Obama is that Obama is slicker and more polished.

In the last analysis they all agree on the basics, the working class will pay for their crisis, they simply differ on the details.  The racism that this weasel is stirring up here is not popular with the more sober representatives of the capitalist class.  The consequences of it are too costly and disruptive to their economic interests and they would rather racist seeds be sown delicately if at all at the moment.  But the critics within Rush's own class will remove racist warfare from the back burner in the face of a united working class movement, have no doubt about that. Racism has been the most successful weapon of the US ruling class.

It's amazing though how some white workers can fall for it.  A billionaire from a clan full of lawyers and judges claiming to care about us as working people and even being so bold to use the term "Working class".  Anyone that reads this blog is ware of our position on Obama and the Democrats but to blame him for poverty in the US after the imbecile Bush takes some chutzpah. Just shows, free speech doesn't mean intelligent speech.


RUSH: We had this story yesterday, didn't have a chance to get to it. "Squeezed by rising living costs a record number of Americans – nearly one in two – have fallen into poverty, or they are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income. One in five American children live in poverty." Now, stop and think of this, folks. One in two Americans are now poor or low income. Now, this is the kind of story that usually comes out when a Republican is in the White House. Seriously. You don't get these kinds of stories when a Democrat's in the White House. We had a story yesterday about homeless children. I said to myself, "We don't get these kinds of stories when a Democrat's in the White House. What's going on?"

And then, and then I remembered. The New York Times, in an op-ed two weeks ago on a Monday, Thomas B. Edsall (now at the Huffing and Puffington Post) wrote a piece in which he said that the Obama campaign was writing off white working class families. They were going to focus on the poor. The focus is on the votes of the poor and the votes of minorities. They are forgetting white working-class voters, meaning they know they can't get those votes. The white working class is hurt; the white working class wants to work. Obama has policies that are destroying the creation of jobs. They know it. So Obama's not even gonna make a pretense in the campaign.

It's all the rich people's fault!

It's all the Republicans' fault!

It's worse than he knew when he was inaugurated. He inherited all this from George W. Bush.

But it's exactly what he wants.

It's how he intends to win reelection. BREAK TRANSCRIPT.........KEEP READING – TEA PARTY

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