Obama and Daley his new Chief of Staff. Daley works for J. P. Morgan Chase who pay him $5 million a year for supervising their Washington lobbying, that is their bribing activity. J. P. Morgan is the country's second biggest bank. Daley is also on the board of directors of Boeing and Abbott Laboratories. The extreme right wing employers organization the Chamber of Commerce calls Daley a: "very, very, strong choice."
It is enough to make you speechless. Think back to the last elections. The union leaders took $200 million of their members money and gave it to the Democrats. The idea was to prop up the Obama regime. What did they get in return? This Obama, this arrogant crude capitalist politician needed a new Chief of Staff and who did he appoint? A workers' representative? Not a chance. Screw the union members and their $200 million. He appointed Bill Daley one of the top lobbyists, that is bribers, for the capitalists. Not only did he appoint a capitalist to this position but he appointed a capitalist from the right wing of that class. Daley was one of the most vocal in campaigning against more regulations on capital after the 2008 crash and he also campaigned against consumer protection laws. This Daley is a bare faced unashamed representative of the right wing of finance capital. This is who Obama has brought into his regime. He is moving even further to the right. So much for the $200 million of union members' money. These union leaders are unbelievable.
It would be tempting to think that Obama and his regime are stupid. And maybe there is an element of this. After all every opinion poll shows that there is a huge anger against the banks, Wall Street, the swindlers such as the Daleys. This is part of the base of the Tea Party movement. But what does Obama and co. do? They bring into their regime somebody who embodies most clearly the class that is most hated in the country. As we said yesterday in relation to the US capitalists they are tobogganing towards disaster with their eyes shut. The same is true of the capitalists political representatives.
There is a tremendous anger out there against Daley's class but it cannot find a coherent way to express itself. The Republicans sure do not express it. The Democrats sure do not express it. The Obama regime has moved even further away from expressing it. The US working class are angry at what is going on and how they are being being treated and Obama brings in another financial swindler to help run his outfit. Hear what the Republicans say about Daley. McConnell, Senate minority leader and Republican says: 'This is a guy who's been in the private sector, in private business....it sounds like a good idea." So it is unanimous. The Democratic Party leadership, the Republican party leadership, the Obama regime, Wall Street and the financial and industrial capitalists all agree, Daley is a good choice. The Obama regime moves further right. And if all these voices agree that Daley is a good choice it must be a bad choice for workers.
But wait a moment. There is another voice in the country. That is the majority, that is the working class. Daley for sure does not represent them. The union leaders who are supposed to represent the working class gave the $200 million for the last election and asked for nothing in return. And that is what they are getting. Nothing. Well not exactly. They are getting less than nothing. The Obama regime and the Democrats have taken their money and moved even further into the camp of the employers and capitalists. Obama and his regime have spit in the faces of the union leaders and the millions of workers whose union dues made up the $200 million contributed to Democrats in the last elections. The pathetic approach of these union leaders is almost unbelievable. They hand over their members money and let Obama do what he wants. These union leaders have forfeited all right to lead the movement. They are a pathetic caricature of a leadership. Unless they change their policies they have to be removed. Opposition forces have to built in the unions and workplaces and communities to take the struggles forward.
Look further at Daley. He comes out of the Chicago Democratic Party where his father and brother were mayors. His father when mayor was a well known thug letting his cops loose on the anti Viet Nam war protesters in Grant park in 1968, using his cops to assassinate Fred Hampton Chicago Black Panther leader, using the cops to crush unions and union organizers. And he and the present Mayor his son and Bill Daley's brother preside over the most racially segregated large city in the US. And they like it that way. They work to keep it that way. Divide and rule and repression this is how the Daley's see things. Obama knows this very well. He came out of Chicago. But his own personal ambition and his own unconditional support for capitalism made him safe for capitalism and have led him to the policies he is now carrying out in the white house.
Unless a mass working peoples party is built in this country then we will have a massive explosion of rage from below. This would be no bad thing and anyway it is inevitable given the role of the two capitalist parties and the union leaders. US capitalism is bogged down in wars abroad, it cannot afford to finance these and its military, it cannot afford to sustain its huge debt burden, it cannot continue to keep its working class at a level where it will accept the present system. Things are coming to a head in this country. It may take a while but this is what is coming. The stupidity and blindness of the main capitalist parties and politicians such as Obama will bring this closer. Their unquestioning support for the policies of the right wing of the capitalist class, mean that an even bigger vacuum is opening up in society. This will be filled in the future. It is the task of the union leaders to at last get a grip on themselves, get some backbone and stand up to the employers and their system and organize an independent union movement and an independent working peoples party and mobilize these in direct action struggle which will show working people there is a way out. This is the only way that progress can be made.
The left and radical movement have a responsibility here also. They must get over their left sectarianism which keeps them divided and fighting amongst themselves and which turns potential activists off and which makes united front work very difficult and is damaging to the working class movement. The left and radical movement must also break from their ultra leftism which results in them being unable to connect with the consciousness of the working class, unable to speak their language, unable to connect with the working class. We too have a role to play and lessons to learn. Anybody who reads this blog and is interested in working together to this end please contact us.
Remember keep up the campaign to Free Bradley Mannings, Defend wikileaks and Assange.
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