Friday, August 28, 2009

Peace is our profession

In 2008 the US accounted for almost half of the world's total military spending, some $607 billion. The next nine states in quantity spent a combined total of $476 billion. China's military budget is one seventh that of the USA .

In terms of naval power the US Navy has a total naval tonnage exceeding the next 17 fleets combined. Most importantly, writes Josef Joffe in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs, the US has a Warrior Culture. The only other country that still has a Warrior Culture is the UK writes Joffe, which is why the US and the UK are the the only liberal empires. The continental Europeans are a bunch of whimps basically a mindset which prevents the continent from being a true world power, a state that we all fear; it " longer has the mindset that made it the master of the world." writes Joffe.

"The armies of European countries are no longer objects of national pride and no longer serve as ladders for social advancement, nor are they the principal agents for promoting national interest."
Joffe continues. Instead, Europe takes pride in its ability to expand by "example rather than by force of arms." *

What cowards. Perhaps two world wars and the destruction of its cities has taught the Europeans a thing or two. Joffe's one sided historical view completely ignores ignores the role of the Russians in defeating the Nazi's and portrays the US as Europe's savior.

The US army itself in in a bit of a state right now. We will never know the level of demoralization that exists until it manifests itself more overtly, but suicides, rapes and other obstacles to "social advancement" are rampant. A huge percentage of the homeless in the US are also veterans. What sort of social advancement is that? I am being somewhat facetious here of course as I know what sort of social advancement Joffe is referring to, the type for the generals who can find doors opening for them in all sorts of fields from politics to the news media as "consultants." But, as in all history, this section of the military is not so open to the sons and daughters of the working class----we can't be trusted.

* The Default Power, Josef Joffe, Foreign Affairs Sept/Oct 2009

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