Thursday, August 22, 2024

What If I don't Want to Vote For Either Party?

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

I was cooking and had the urge to speak, a rare thing for me. I was going to post my thoughts to Tik Tok but after I finished it, I realized it was horizontal and not vertical so I will have to do it again for Tik Tok.Don't buy the narrative, there is a lot of politics on Tik Tok.

I was at a meeting of some other workers earlier in the week, mostly folks in the UK and they are very interested in what's happening in the US, after all, what happens here affects the entire world. The carnage in Gaza would not have lasted anywhere this long were the US and the two political parties that dominate our lives,  not financing and arming it.

So this and other issues made me think about it a bit and what someone should do if they didn't want to vote for the Genociders.

So after I sliced the onion I got this urge to express myself and here it is in this video. It's just some ideas. Maybe others have views.

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