Thursday, August 22, 2024

Democratic Party Convention: Interview With an An Uncommitted Voter

Richard Mellor

Afscme Local 444, retired



Great interview and response from this Palestinian American woman. The point she makes about this choice that the US electorate has every four years, a choice between "the healthier of Pepsi and coke” means that, “we will only have the healthier between Pepsi and Coke”. In other words, we’re stuck with unhealthy. This is the setup, the game the two capitalist parties play every four years so that one way or another their person gets in.


She adds that governor Walz got up right after the Minnesota primaries on CNN and for the first time said the situation in Gaza is intolerable but he hadn't said a word about the humanitarian crisis until then.  She says that “what prompted him to do so was that one in five Minnesota Democrats voted uncommitted”


She describes this lesser of two evils game where anyone that doesn’t vote for. the Democrats, regardless of their own personal views is voting for the bad guy, as “emotional blackmail.”


It’s nauseating to experience the back patting and emotional appeals for US workers to vote for “the right team” that has betrayed them for decades. What would they have to say without Trump? He’s an easy target for them being the moron he is. And it’s hard to find the words to express the disgust anyone with a conscience should feel at the Democratic Party’s refusal to have a Palestinian speaker on stage in the midst of a genocide against these people taking place in real time.


As I pointed out in an earlier post, the opportunism of the politicians on stage this week was out there for all to see as Harris let her ego get the better of her and insulted some protestors against the genocide when she spoke in Detroit. Her handlers pointed this out and speaking to an excited crowd in Arizona a week or so later the same opposition raised its voices. This time she stopped, addressed their concerns ending with a cry of “Ceasefire Now” which brought cheers and whistles from the crowd. This is from a Vice President who has just supported sending another $20 billion to the regime committing the genocide.


Workers’ living standards continue to decline no matter which party is in power. There’s no mention of Biden’s banning of a legal strike last year passing emergency legislation to do so with support from the US Congress, including Harris. No problem reaching across the aisle there.


The US voter has had enough of the two-party circus that has led to a mass exodus from the electoral process and the rise of the degenerate Trump.


I agree completely with this woman, a massive shift in votes from the usual suspects to either the Greens, the Libertarians, the socialists or a mass exodus from the game altogether by writing in anything, would have a greater effect on the status quo than buying the hype and giving these people and their party recognition.


It’s refreshing to listen to her.

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