Saturday, September 15, 2018

Chicago's Hotel Strike

I have been a little busy and am not familiar with the details and the demands of the restaurant workers strike in Chicago. But for those that follow and read the reports on this blog you may have read the recent piece we put up about the positive developments with the rise of DSA that now has some 50,000 members. The focus of our commentary on this is the latest issue of DSA's national magazine which has articles in it by some former labor officials and writers from associated with Labor Notes.  We point out the dangers of the DSA adopting the approach of these writers with regards to the labor movement and more importantly its leadership and that the DSA Magazine's coverage should have had the recent teachers victories and in particular the methods they used front and center as their approach defied decades of conservative and concessionary policies on the part of the present heads of organized labor. In this short clip sent to us from the picket lines in Chicago the narrator hits the nail on the head and gives the attention the huge victories the teachers movement achieved the attention it deserves.DSA, Labor Notes and the Trade Union. Here is the piece I am referring to. DSA, Labor Notes and the Trade Unions
Here's a little more information.

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