Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Marikana Massacre and the Man With the Green Blanket

The previous blog posting was about the documentary, Strike The Rock, about two women and their struggle in the aftermath of the Lonmin strike in Marikana South Africa. As I researched it, I saw the video above about the man with the Green Blanket from the Marikana Massacre that took place at the mine.

If the reader hasn't seen Miners Shot Down I strongly suggest you watch it; it is free now on You Tube.  The man in the green blanket is prominent in this documentary as one of the striking miners.

This video contains stills from Miners Shot Down and is accompanied by a poem dedicated to this man and the miners that were murdered that day by the South African police in collusion with the ANC, the NUM leadership and the British owned mining company.

I was brought to tears by Miners Shot Down but it also reminded me of the heroism and courage of people like the man with the green blanket------ Mgcineni Noki was his name. So Facts For Working People is sharing this poem in his honor and for all the South African workers murdered by the state and capitalism that day.

Here is a Guardian article that deals with Noki and his role.

Richard Mellor

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