Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cliff Willmeng's Colorado (Green Party) Campaign for Congress.

This is Cliff Willmeng's acceptance speech for the Green Party of Colorado's nomination to run for US Congressional District 2. Cliff played an active role in the 1999 shutting down of the WTO meeting in Seattle WA and, as he explains, has been involved in numerous campaigns and the trade union movement.

He does leave out a huge campaign he was involved in in Northern Indiana that pitted homeowners against the likes of BP and Ross Steel, corporations that had their politicians in the Indiana State Legislature change the tax system for their benefit but a change that had devastating affects on working class homeowners and small owner/landords. We are familiar with this issue on this blog as many of us connected to the blog were involved in that struggle also.

I also recall Cliff at the head of a march to shut down the Detroit Windsor bridge in conjunction with Native American Activists.

Cliff is a fighter on all and any issues that are harmful to workers, and thew middle class, our communities and the community businesses that serve them.  He is also a prominent campaigner and activist in the battles against Fracking that are taking place in his community in Colorado and throughout the nation.

Facts For Working People wishes Cliff all the best in his campaign as Green Party candidate for Colorado's Congressional District 2.

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