Saturday, February 20, 2016

Zionist Brutality financed by the US Taxpayer (video and report)

Those of us connected with this blog stand against Zionism and with the Palestinian people and those Jews who recently condemned both Israel and the US for their role in perpetuating this regime. The letter states,  "As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine. We further condemn the United States for providing Israel with the funding to carry out the attack, and Western states more generally for using their diplomatic muscle to protect Israel from condemnation. Genocide begins with the silence of the world." Read more here

Below the video is a report from Mazin Qumsiyeh

From Mazin Qumsiyeh in Occupied Palestine

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming
gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust

I am so grateful for all that is happening in resistance to the incredible
odds and repression practiced by the elites in power. While some may get
activism or compassion “fatigue” , there are literally millions of people
deciding to leave their apathy behind and put their hands with other people
to work.  Our tiny little small part of the world (Palestine now an
apartheid sate called a “Jewish state”) has become a major center of global
activism. This centrality can be due to many factors:

1.Religious centrality to three main religions, one of which was hijacked
for political purposes locally in the past (Christianity --& Crusaderism),
the other hijacked in the past 150 years and is still strongly hijacked
(Judaism --& Zionism) and the other more recently and in nearby areas
beginning to be hijacked (Islam --& Isis and Wahhabism).

2. Nowhere else on earth is Western government hypocrisy more evident than
in Palestine. While the western leaders speak of democracy and human
rights, they support an apartheid racist “Jewish state” that engaged and
engages in racism, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing
(so far 7 million of us Palestinians are refugees or displaced people).
Thus, this is the Achilles heel of Western propaganda.

3. The 12 million Palestinians in the world, most refugees and others
squeezed into bantustans have been remarkably peaceful and tolerant and had
a long history of popular resistance for the past 130 years that provided a
stellar example to the world (see my 2012 book “Popular Resistance in
Palestine: A history of hope and empowerment”).

4. Israeli citizens and the global community are increasingly joining hands
with us to demand justice as the only road to peace.

5. More and more people realize that peace in the “Middle East” (Western
Asia) and around the world is dependent on peace for Palestine. Zionism
with its (sometimes dominant, sometimes subservient) twin US imperialism
are and have been most destructive forces in causing global conflict.

But what really gives us optimism daily are the people we interact with.
Students at the universities who see the importance of knowledge (power)
and come to school with enthusiasm even in the face of suppression of their
movement. Farmers that work hard in their fields even as land and water are
being taken from them by the occupiers. Unarmed young demonstrators showing
bravery in challenging the heavily armed Israeli forces (who occasionally
murder them). Thousands of political prisoners and “administrative
detainees” who resist the prisoners (one on hunger strike is close to
death). Activists who sometimes sacrifice comforts to be with us.

Organizers of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activities around the
world who refuse to be silenced by illegal measures their governments try
to impose on them to suppress free speech. Volunteers at our activities
from refugee camp youth centers like Al-Rowwad to our Institute of
Biodiversity and Sustainability ( ).

Sometimes small actions make us retain our sanity and gives joy and meaning
to our lives. Just this past week:

- A small village of Izbet al-Tabib managed to gather 300 demonstrators
protesting the illegal confiscation of land and resources to serve settlers.
-We saved a cattle egret (bird with long legs and beak from the heron
group) which had been shot and with a macerated wing. We did an operation
that saved its life (unfortunately the wing had to be amputated).
-We released a fox that was drowning in a water treatment pool in the
Bethlehem garbage dump site.
- My tourism class did an exercise to help in a local tourism promotion
-We noted several species of butterflies in our botanic garden already and
the flowers of rare orchids and even the Star of Bethlehem
-We had our first class in biodiversity for the new master program in
environmental biology at Birzeit University.
-We received dozens of visitors to our facilities and added to our very
large network of friends (now tens of thousands)
-We submitted two small grant proposals (we hope to start to do major
fundraising soon for our museum, botanical garden, and institute of
biodiversity and sustainability)
-Our aquaponic system is doing great and we expect our first harvest next
week (lettuce)
- We said goodbye to some volunteers and we welcomed others who helped us
build this institution.

We expect to receive more volunteers next week including a professor from
Jordan and an aquaponics researcher from Switzerland and at least 10
students from Bethlehem University doing their community service. We are so
grateful for all the above and we welcome volunteers and supporters with
all backgrounds and skills. We are guided by love and respect (to
ourselves, to others, then to nature). We are strengthened amid all the
suffering (here in Gaza, in Syria, in Yemen etc) by human connections and
by caring for each other.

Israeli soldiers beat detained Palestinian teenaged boys

Palestinian Teacher Among World’s Top 10

Reconstruction Of Gaza: Zero Buildings, Massive Profit

Should Jews Have To Pay Reparations for Slavery? Richard Kreitner

“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have
roses.” Alphonse Karr

Stay human,

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Professor and (Volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine

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