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Police catch and kill those responsible |
By Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444,
I couldn’t sleep the
other night after the massacre in San Bernardino. I texted briefly with a
friend that it just won’t go away. My head was full of all sorts of
thoughts swirling around. There are the victims, the dead and the
wounded who were harming no one. They were enjoying some time with their co-workers just as I have done many
times. It’s bad enough when a young soldier dies, but to die like this is the
saddest thing. I also thought of the mothers and fathers, wives and husbands
friends and relatives who have had their lives shattered by yet another mass
shooting in the US. Mass violence is almost a daily occurrence now.
I was hardly over the earlier terrorist attack, the murder, of nine black people in their church by a white supremacist terrorist, and after he was comforted and welcomed by them as well. Then the religious fanatic, another terrorist, shot nine people killing three in the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado. It looks like this recent massacre in San Bernardino California was committed by Islamic terrorists. White racist terrorists with their confederate flag, Christian fanatical terrorists with their hatred of women's rights, Islamic terrorists with their effort to take revenge for the crimes of the US government and corporations in the Middle East on US working people. Whatever more comes out about the events in San Bernardino the slaughter of the innocent people there has to be unconditionally condemned by all. The dead and wounded are not those responsible for the crisis and suffering in the Middle East.
I was hardly over the earlier terrorist attack, the murder, of nine black people in their church by a white supremacist terrorist, and after he was comforted and welcomed by them as well. Then the religious fanatic, another terrorist, shot nine people killing three in the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado. It looks like this recent massacre in San Bernardino California was committed by Islamic terrorists. White racist terrorists with their confederate flag, Christian fanatical terrorists with their hatred of women's rights, Islamic terrorists with their effort to take revenge for the crimes of the US government and corporations in the Middle East on US working people. Whatever more comes out about the events in San Bernardino the slaughter of the innocent people there has to be unconditionally condemned by all. The dead and wounded are not those responsible for the crisis and suffering in the Middle East.
Big Picture
But it was not these
thoughts alone that plagued me as the news media reports kept coming
in. What bothered and bothers me the most, what actually angers me
the most, is how the media, what we call the 1%’s or big business media, will
completely ignore the big picture. Wednesday’s massacre, just like the Paris
attacks, did not occur in a vacuum. There are connected events. But the
big picture will be purposefully obscured by more drivel from the politicians
from the president on down. Prayer vigils are offered as a way to deal with the situation but prayer does not work either unless it is prayer that gives one the strength and courage to act. Think about this when you are considering what
is being dished up to you by the 1%'s mass media and their politicians.
The Middle East has
enormous oil and gas wealth. For over a century now the advanced capitalist
countries such as the USA, Britain, France and others have looted those
countries. They have recruited local stooges to help them. And every time the
workers or middle classes of the region have risen up and tried to elect leaders
to take this wealth back, these leaders have been overthrown in coups and their
supporters driven in to exile or slaughtered.
The US organized a
coup that overthrew Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 in response to his
democratically elected government’s attempt to take the Iranian oil industry
under Iranian control. In order to
control the natural resources of the region, the strategy Western governments
have used is divide and rule as the US is using now, sowing division between
the different groups that live in the region; Christians against Muslims, Kurds
against Arabs, Shia against Sunni.
The same tactics
have been applied in Afghanistan. How many Americans are aware that up until
1999, every Taliban official was on the payroll of the US government, women’s
rights be damned? * The latest
destabilization effort from the folks at the Pentagon is Syria.
This is what lies
behind the rise of Islamic fanatics. Look at the region now. It is been blown
to smithereens, bombed day in day out for years. The carnage in San Bernardino
is an everyday occurrence somewhere in the Middle East. And now just in the
last few days more and more advanced capitalist countries have committed
themselves to launching military attacks on Syria, a small nation about one and
a half times the size of Pennsylvania. Syrians are fleeing Western and US foreign
policy and war in the Middle East and are then attacked in the western press as
immigrants and likely terrorists for doing so. This will just create more
people like those who carried out the Paris attacks and the San Bernardino
The role of the 1% and
their media and propaganda machine is to obscure the big picture, and act
surprised that mad frenzied reactionary groups like ISIL arise. It has
been the slaughter by the advanced capitalist countries; the invasion of Iraq
especially by the US led gangsters that created the conditions for ISIL. Think
about it this way. Imagine if a foreign power or powers had been looting the
resources of the USA for the past century and more. And to get away with this,
divided up the USA into different countries. And put in power in these
countries mad reactionary criminals who beheaded people, stoned women to death,
refused women the right to vote, refused workers the right to organize. What
would happen in the US? It would be inevitable that forces, fanatical and
otherwise would arise to fight these invading powers and their more advanced
Resistance would not
stop at our own borders. We would take the war abroad, to its source. We would
find some way to inflict damage on our opponent, to fight back. This is what is
happening now worldwide. This is why somebody from Pakistan ends up in
California killing people. The days when the advanced capitalist powers
could go to the Middle East, loot the region’s resources and turn the people
against one another are over. and invade and slaughter and divide and rule
without repercussions are over. (Read
Robert Fisk’s excellent article on this)
The wars are coming
home in the form of fanatical groups such as ISIL, Al Queda, and individuals
enraged by what is going on. This is no excuse for what happened in Paris, or in San
Bernardino. These atrocities have to be unconditionally condemned. But it is
important to understand why these
atrocities are taking place and becoming more and more frequent if we want to
stop them.
So to stop more Paris and San Bernardino atrocities and even much worse atrocities, the advanced capitalist countries have to stop looting the Middle East and have to pull their militaries out of the Middle East. This is what has to be done rather than increasing the bombings and invasions in the region. This will only lead to more attacks on civilians in New York or London, Berlin or anywhere they can cause fear. Four US drone operators have sent an open letter to the Obama Administration admitting this, explaining that US slaughter of civilians and US foreign policy in general is breeding hatred toward us and acts as a recruiting tool for the religious fanatics. This action by these brave military personnel has disappeared from the media. It is not news they want us to hear, it is not good for defense industry profits.
So to stop more Paris and San Bernardino atrocities and even much worse atrocities, the advanced capitalist countries have to stop looting the Middle East and have to pull their militaries out of the Middle East. This is what has to be done rather than increasing the bombings and invasions in the region. This will only lead to more attacks on civilians in New York or London, Berlin or anywhere they can cause fear. Four US drone operators have sent an open letter to the Obama Administration admitting this, explaining that US slaughter of civilians and US foreign policy in general is breeding hatred toward us and acts as a recruiting tool for the religious fanatics. This action by these brave military personnel has disappeared from the media. It is not news they want us to hear, it is not good for defense industry profits.
The US mass media
will seek to obscure this reality in another way. They will make the issue
one of gun control. Obama has already talked of it, of the need to cut
down on these massacres, terrorism or not, and gun control will do that. The
gun control that is needed to stop these massacres is ignored by Obama; he’s
been a very aggressive proponent of weapons of mass destruction. Some have even
called for the state to take our guns away. Working people would not be safer
if the only people with guns in society are politicians and armed bodies of the
state. Such a situation would strengthen
the 1% against the working class.
The emphasis on more gun control also diverts the issue of mass killings away from the sickness in capitalist society which is at the root of the problem. In other countries such as Switzerland and Canada just about everybody can have a gun but they do not have the mass killings that take place in the USA. No one in their right mind objects to sensible gun laws, making sure children or the mentally ill or any potentially violent individual should not have access to weapons, that owning a firearm calls for a serious and responsible attitude. Hearing politicians that support US foreign policy talking of gun control in times like this is another diversion.
The emphasis on more gun control also diverts the issue of mass killings away from the sickness in capitalist society which is at the root of the problem. In other countries such as Switzerland and Canada just about everybody can have a gun but they do not have the mass killings that take place in the USA. No one in their right mind objects to sensible gun laws, making sure children or the mentally ill or any potentially violent individual should not have access to weapons, that owning a firearm calls for a serious and responsible attitude. Hearing politicians that support US foreign policy talking of gun control in times like this is another diversion.
Lastly the media will
never mention the elephant in the room, and that is Israel. The Zionist regime
is a racist apartheid state. The
uncritical support of this racist regime and its treatment of the indigenous
people of the region is another source of anger toward the west and the US in
particular. This is another part of the big picture that is blotted out. Palestinians have been driven from their
land, their farms destroyed and their homes razed. Israel has ethnically
cleansed whole areas of Palestinian people whose ancestors occupied this land
for generations. The Zionist regime has
settled on this Palestinian land right wing neo fascist religious fanatics of
varying nationalities, from South Africa, the US, Russia. US support for the Zionist regime is a major
cause of instability in the region and anti-American feeling.
Not all Jews or Israeli’s are Zionists, there are many more
Christian Zionists in the US than Jewish ones. But when someone is an
uncritical supporter of Israel, they are supporting ethnic cleansing, fascist
violence and racism at a state level. It’s inevitable that this would have
This is the reality.
The advanced capitalist countries have no right to be doing what they are doing
in the Middle East. They are leaving the region in a state of absolute poverty.
They are creating generation after generation of enraged people who see their
families slaughtered by sanctions, invasions, occupations and drones. This is
the soil in which the fanatical terrorist groups like ISIL grow. This is
madness. For those in the advanced capitalist countries for all those worldwide
who want to stop these atrocities and slaughters they must devote their efforts
in to reversing this disastrous course that our present leaders are committed to
and cannot retreat from, it is not their children that will suffer, not their
communities that will be harmed.
* War and
Globalization, Michel Chossudovsky
Note: Sean O'Torain contributed to this commentary.
Note: Sean O'Torain contributed to this commentary.
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