Sean O'Torrain.

Imperialism, that is the big corporations in the advanced capitalist countries and their stooges in the world as a whole loot the wealth of the less developed countries and the working masses. This creates great anger and this can take all kinds of forms. One is Jihadism and extreme right wing religious ideas. The root cause of the mad acts of individualism and murder such as that which has taken place in Paris is the looting of the world by imperialism and the lack of a mass revolutionary alternative.
The union and labor leaders are responsible for the lack of a mass revolutionary alternative. The left groupings are responsible also. While unconditionally condemning the murders in Paris, while unconditionally standing against the backlash that the ruling classes will whip up to increase repression against the working class, working class activists and revolutionary socialists must get over their sectarianism and ultra leftism and build mass international movements which can pave a way for the working class and poor to fight the imperialist offensive and build a new international socialist world.
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