Friday, August 30, 2013

Israeli soldiers disciplined for dancing Gangnam Style with Palestinians

The Zionist regime is facing its most serious assault in decades. Israeli soldiers on patrol in the West Bank came upon a dance hall where Palestinians were having a shindig. The usual bullying and brutality directed at Palestinians didn’t occur; something far more dangerous did. It appears the soldiers joined Palestinian men who were dancing to the now famous “Gangnam Style”. Israeli army spokespersons consider the incident very “serious” as "the soldiers exposed themselves to unnecessary danger and were disciplined accordingly," AP reported. It reminded me of the fraternizing between the troops during the first world war. The officers were punished for it. Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas) is a good film about that incident and the interview with the director is good on the DVD of it. It’s not the soldiers’ putting themselves in unnecessary danger that is the problem, as the military brass claims. Fraternizing with “the enemy” tends to undermine the argument that they are the “enemy”. Here’s the party from Israeli TV

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