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Two Sec's of State. Ask her about dead children John? |
by Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired
The billionaire John Kerry who also functions as the US Secretary of State is ready to teach the Syrian dictator Assad a lesson. He called Assad a "thug and a murderer", and says the US can’t let a dictator get away with such serious crimes; unless it’s one of the US’s dictators of course. "History will judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turn a blind eye to a dictator's wanton use of weapons of mass destruction," Kerry added.
The billionaire John Kerry who also functions as the US Secretary of State is ready to teach the Syrian dictator Assad a lesson. He called Assad a "thug and a murderer", and says the US can’t let a dictator get away with such serious crimes; unless it’s one of the US’s dictators of course. "History will judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turn a blind eye to a dictator's wanton use of weapons of mass destruction," Kerry added.
was watching the news tonight and it can make you feel so helpless as it is
like a bunch of parrots repeating their master’s words. Most Americans don’t really pay much
attention to the forces that are at play in the world getting most of our news
form CNN and other such outlets. The US
is not unfamiliar with chemical warfare as it used it in Vietnam pouring dioxin
(Agent Orange) on the Vietnamese people and their food. The chemical was even poured over their own
troops. Kerry was in Vietnam he must
know that. The US used Napalm ion
Vietnam also and white phosphorous and depleted uranium in Iraq.
phony concern coming out of the mouths of Obama, Kerry and other Wall Street
politicians are seen for what they are by the vast majority of people in the
world. The US spin doctors have no credibility.
The attack that has taken place, no matter who did it, killed 1,429
Syrians, including at least 426 children reports say. But lets add a little US political logic to
this scenario. The US enforced sanctions
in Iraq cost the lives of some 500,000 people, mostly women and children. But when Madeline Albright who was also US
Secretary of State was asked about this on US TV she said that the deaths were “worth it”.
her point of view such mass slaughter is worth it of course just like the death
of 3 million Vietnamese was worth it I suppose.
Blitzer had his array of “experts” on
a panel, one of them the right wing Zionist Alan Dershowitz. Another one was
some sort of former CIA official.
Dershowitz I think it was mentioned something about the US imposing a “no fly” zone. They all had a nice little chat about this
but no one mentioned the possibility of a “no
fly” zone over Gaza. The Israeli’s used white phosphorous in Gaza, the US
used it in Fallujah, Obama’s drones have been slaughtering innocent women and
children in Afghanistan and Pakistan for years.
This whole affair is not about human decency and rights
the aftermath of the British parliamentary vote to oppose involvement the talk
was also about having to put together a US led coalition. Oh, let’s see who
will be on that team I wonder. There’ll
be the Saudi’s and the pimps that lead the Gulf States that get US weapons and
protection from their own people.
There’ll be some other flunkies who will be blackmailed and cajoled in
to giving whatever action is taken some sort of international legitimacy.
this is less about Syria than Iran.
Kerry says Iran will be “emboldened”
if the US doesn’t act. We’re all
supposed to be afraid of Iran. But why
would Iran not want nuclear weapons?
Israel has hundreds of them? The
US invaded the country bordering Iran and also encouraged the former leader of
that country, Saddam Hussein to invade Iran and offered money, and chemical
weapons to do so. Incidentally, Bremer who was the US imposed governor of Iraq
after the US invaded it, repeatedly referred to Assad as Saddam on the news
tonight. What morons.
capitalist class cannot rule with any level of stability and jumps out of the
frying pan into the fire, from one quagmire to the next with working class
youth at the front. The class that rules
leads from the rear in these ventures.
If the attack on Syria goes ahead and it looks more likely that it will,
a few hundred million dollars of US taxpayer funds will disappear in a few
minutes. The war on workers at home will continue in order to pay for it and
the ranks of the terrorist groups will find new recruits. And yet again, the “experts”
at the Pentagon are on the same team as al Qaeda or the Islamic fanatics. Way to go boys.
most pressing task facing the workers of the world is the class war over which
class governs society and for us in the US which class represents us to the
world. Despite the many changes that
have taken place in the working class in the US, the shifting of manufacturing
abroad, the growth of finance capital and the service sector accompanied by an
increase in unproductive labor, managers overseers, police and the like, global
capitalism cannot be overthrown without the US working class settling accounts
with the unelected coupon clippers that govern US society, the most heavily
armed and ruthless bourgeois on the planet.
remember when I was in my late teens and early twenties. You could travel from
London to Joburg all through Africa overland, no problem. You could go to Iran and Kashmir and Nepal
and from Calais to Calcutta relatively safely. Not today.
is how far the capitalist system has brought us. And its most powerful
representatives are here in the US. We should consider that the US and the
Democratic Party in particular is the only nation and the only party to have
dropped nuclear bombs on civilian centers.
We should not underestimate their ruthlessness; they will not hesitate
dropping nuclear weapons on their own cities if they saw their interests and
their system truly threatened---United We Stand be damned.
1 comment:
the latest 9-11 inside job analysis i read, questioning the nan-thermite speculation as to what was the primary explosive used, offered evidence based on the amount of tritium and other radio active isotopes in the debris, and the decomposition of so much ofthe 100s of tons of cement in the structures and apparent vaporization, no recovery of so many of the bodies of those lost, to support a counter hypothesis that yes indeed, nuclear explosions were the principal means of bring down the buildings. ... relevant to the comment on the ruthlessness of the ruler elite, willing to use nucler weapons on our own cities. perhaps they already have.
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