Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pat Tillman. McChrystal. Obama the boot licker.

Pat Tillman the former football player joined the US military and went to fight in Iraq. Gradually he became disillusioned with the war, began to speak out against it and began to move to the left. The military tops and people like Rumsfeld and Bush began to worry about him. He could have become a spear head for the anti war movement. He was shot in the forehead, assassinated, by agents in the US military at close range by three bullets. The cover up was organized from the top down. A general McChrystal was involved in this. See The Pat Tillman Story.

Later this McChrystal was fired from his position by Obama for making derogatory remarks about the government. Now Obama has brought him into his regime as head of a commission. Things just get worse and worse. The system we live under shows itself to be destroying the lives of working people and the planet. The political regime we live under is utterly corrupt and dominated by the major corporations and the military industrial complex. Obama is fundamentally no difference from any of the rest of the capitalist politicians, Republican or Democrat. We support the Tillman family in their struggle for justice. We believe that capitalism has forfeited its right to exist. We stand for international democratic socialism.


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