Republican Boehner leader of the House of Representatives with his Nazi friend Lott, whose hobby is dressing up in Nazi uniforms. Frightened by being linked to the assassination of Gifford Boehner rushed to eulogize Gifford who is Jewish. No wonder there is such cynicism about politics. In the future we intend to refer to Boehner as "Nazi Uniform Boehner."
US capitalism has had a bad few days. Earlier in the week one of its main supporters in Pakistan was assassinated. This further weakened the Pakistani state upon which the US Afghan war effort depends. Now it has had the attempted assassination of Congress Woman Giffords in Arizona and the destabilizing affects this is having on US domestic politics. As we have been saying US capitalism faces serious challenges both military and political. The rush is now on to prop up the Pakistan regime and stabilize things after the assassination there. And in the US the rush is on to make sure that none of capitalism's main parties or political figures are caught up with the attempted assassination of Gifford.
The Republicans and their tea party wing are most at risk. As we have said Palin put opponents including Gifford on her website with cross hairs on them. Palin is probably finished as a republican hopeful. Gifford's opponent in her recent campaign called for her to be taken out with an M16. This is incredible language and is coming back to haunt the Republicans in a very big way. Suddenly they are all warm and fuzzy as they run for cover and they are putting their arms around the Democrats. The hypocrisy is sickening. McCain who picked Palin for VP and supported her in her web site and cross hairs propaganda still refuses to condemn her. Some people are just not too bright.
Then we have Nazi uniform Boehner the Republican leader in the house of Representatives full of praise for Gifford. This is the man who posed with the man in his district whose hobby is dressing up in Nazi uniforms. Boehner posed with him when this man was wearing the Nazi uniform. In a particularly cruel and vicious thrust Gifford was Jewish. So here was Boehner of the Nazi uniform pose, we intend to refer to him in future as Nazi Uniform Boehner, trying to convince people he is genuine in his claim to be mourning for Gifford. No wonder young people are so cynical about US politics.
What we are watching here is US capitalism scuttling to try and straighten up the Republican party. Individual Party leaders and representatives and the party political leadership as a whole went along with the tea party movement for short term political gains. But this left the party less under the control of capitalism and Wall Street. This assassination will be associated with the tea party movement and to some extent the Republicans. There is no way this can be avoided. Not only that but capitalism through its mouthpieces will suggest a link with the tea party movement and seek to separate the it from the republicans. Capitalism will take the opportunity to strike blows at the tea party movement so as to unify and more decisively control the republican Party again. This is what is happening.
They will have some success in this. The Democrats will help them. It is hard to think of there ever being such a wimp in the White house as Obama. Here we have the Republicans ripe and ready for a severe whipping. Even the Sheriff in Gifford's district without naming them goes after the extreme right. This sheriff is far more clear on the issues than Obama and the Democrats. What the Sheriff says is in the interests of the most conscious wing of the capitalists. His statements if acted on would weaken the extreme right which is controlling the right wing of the Republicans and is threatening to weaken one of the main capitalist parties. But what do Obama and the Democrats say. They say that at times like this we all have to work together. That is work together with the tea party people and the Republicans. At times like this if the Democrats in any way represented working people, or if they even had any backbone, or if they even had any political brains or genuine ambition, they would be going after the Republicans with extreme ferocity pointing out how it was the Republicans who were responsible for the violent rhetoric and tone. But no the wimp in the White House calls on all Americans to work together. As if this will happen. The Sheriff was far more clear.
Just about every politician interviewed says their heart and prayers go out to all killed or injured, and calls on all to pray for the killed and injured people and their relatives. Think about this. This is a massive barrage of propaganda. "Pray and put your hearts out" these are the slogans of the capitalist spin. But you may think. What could be wrong about this?
What is wrong about this is that this is the capitalist media trying to paralyze the working class movement in prayer and with their hearts going out whatever this means. This advise, put out your heart and pray is an entirely individualist and passive activity. Go into your bedroom and pray. Leave it to the capitalists who run things and know what to do. This is the message. If readers of this blog are religious then please pray or do whatever you wish. But please also be clear, this will solve nothing. And be conscious why you are being advised to do this and by whom. The capitalist media does not advise you to take to the streets collectively and drive these right wing forces off the streets. Why not? Because we might not go off the streets afterwards, we might stay there to take up other issues like wages, benefits, jobs etc. What is necessary is to understand why these things have happened and what needs to be done to change US society to stop such things happening again.
We said it in our last post there are a combination of factors behind these events. One there is the vicious political and propaganda offensive of the extreme right against anybody who opposes them. This is used by the capitalist class to drive through their offensive against the working class on wages, conditions etc. There is the fact that the Republicans use this violent rhetoric to build themselves a base. This base, the tea party movement, is not happy to be manipulated and takes on a life of its own. Then there is the increasing difficulty of life for most working people in the country. This leads to anger and frustration. This is given no progressive way to express itself because the union leaders will not organize their forces to take on the capitalist offensive with mass direct action and to organize the unorganized and on this basis build a mass working peoples' party as an alternative to the bosses parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. Then there is the culture of violence in society and the easy availability of weapons. The alleged shooter had a criminal and mental record and yet was able to purchase his weapon but even more incredibly able to purchase an extra large clip that holds over twenty round. This is why he was able to shoot so many people.
But the alleged shooter is not explained by the fact he had a criminal and mental record. This is capitalist propaganda. Capitalism always wants to explain every assassination they are behind or in danger of being associated with on the lone nut theory. The two Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Lennon, on and on. They were all done by lone nuts according to capitalist, propaganda. This is intended to keep us from looking at the societal reasons these things take place and/or to see the real organized forces which carry out or create the conditions for these assassinations. I explain these above. But to link them more directly to the alleged shooter. The Republican governor of Arizona and her Republicans pushed a vicious racist anti immigrant bill through the state legislature. The Sheriff strongly opposed it as "racist and divisive". This bill created an atmosphere in the state which the Sheriff says has now become a Mecca of hatred and bigotry. The alleged shooter on the Internet attacks those who cannot speak English in Giffords district. e has clearly been influenced by the Republican governor's anti immigrant campaign. He is also reported as believing that women who wish to exercise their right to have an abortion are "terrorists." This alleged shooter is linked to the right. He is the creature of the right. The governor of Arizona and the Republicans are directly responsible for creating the atmosphere from which he springs.
I will not repeat it here as we explain it in our last post. But an alternative has to be built. It is the task of the Union leaders to do this. But it is also the task of the left and radical movement to get over their left sectarianism and ultra leftism and build united fronts of struggle which though direct mass action challenge the capitalist offensive and begin to offer an alternative to working people and youth who are increasingly angry and filled with rage at how capitalism is destroying their lives.
Do not believe the propaganda either that tries to link the alleged shooter with Marx and so called communism. A Republican Senator was saying on CNN today that the alleged shooter read the Communist Manifesto and Mien Kampf. Here is the list of books given in the New York Times today that this young man was reading. They were taken from his website. Animal Farm. Brave New World. Wizard of Oz. Aesophs Fables. The Odyssey. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Fahrenheit 451. Peter Pan. To Kill a Mocking Bird. We the Living. Phantom Toll Booth. Suddhartha. The Old Man and the Sea. Gulliver's travels. Mein Kampf. The Republic. Meno.
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