Saturday, January 8, 2011

Facts For Working People Condemns the Arizona Shooting

We will have a more in depth statement on the shooting in Arizona as we learn more.  Over recent weeks we have repeatedly blogged about the volatile situation that exists in the United States.  We have warned of the explosions that lurk around every corner as people are losing homes, jobs and everything they worked for their entire lives.  We have said repeatedly that this country is ready to explode. Not so long ago, a young Iraq veteran returned after repeated tours in that quagmire and shot his wife who was eight months pregnant, their three year old, their dog and finally himself.  What was in this man's head to cause him to do this?  There will be many more disturbed and dehumanized young people returning from Iraq in the future.

We are socialists and believe that we have to change society and that the force that can do this is a united international working class movement. We consider the policies of the political representatives of the rich in the two capitalist parties, Republicans and Democrats to be acts of violence against American workers and the middle class. But we also oppose and condemn most strongly, acts of indiscriminate individual violence like the shooting that took place today in Arizona as a means of effecting change, whether it be from left or right wing forces.

We offer our condolences to those who lost their loved ones in Arizona today.

More later.

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