Obama and his corporate friends.
When Obama was running for President I was asked what I thought of him. I said I thought he was a slick bourgeois politician. None of his actions so far have changed my mind. He pushed through a so called health bill which left out the public option and left the corporations and their addiction to profits running the show. Needless to say the concerns and needs of working people are far down the list. Now he has cut a deal with the Republicans over taxes. This allows the Bush tax cuts for the rich to continue. It is based on the discredited right wing idea that if you allow the capitalists to get ever richer then they will make the economy work. Again the corporations are running the show.
I am remined again of my old friend in Ireland and what he used to say. He wanted to know how come we are told that to get the rich people to work harder you have to give them more and more money, but to get the working people to work harder you have to give them less and less money. He had a good point. Of course what is true, what is right is always based on who is saying it, and for the capitalist it is true that he or she will only contribute more if they get more and more money and even then they still might not.
Capitalism does not work. Just think of the amount the tax payer had to pay to bail it out in the last two years. It does not work. But cowed by the corporations and their capitalist system Obama sacrifices all to the demands and needs of the corporations and their system. This is what is going on. Short of a mass uprising from below which threatens his system Obama will continue along this right wing path with his capitalist buddies. The path of FDR where reforms were made to save capitalism from itself is for the time being off the table. If these are forced back on to the table in the future by a mass uprising and Obama felt he had to opportunistically make a little gesture in their direction to save his own skin then he had better watch himself because the system, the corporations which today back him and which he in turn backs, would turn on him in a flash and he could meet with a bad accident. It would not be the first time.
Then there are the other things he is up to. He continues to push the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and in reality extend these into Pakistan and Yemen. More slaughter and destruction on behalf of US capitalism. More anger and hatred against the US from the people in these parts of the world. Talk about a way to create an increased base of fighters who hate everything American. Pakistan in particular, which is a front line and a nuclear state is being drawn into the war more everyday. The The anger is so great against the US that the CIA chief has had to be pulled out. The report out this week on the war on Afghanistan tries but cannot hide the developing defeat. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says: "Many of our accomplishments, even the ones I saw down south, are tenuous and can be reversed." Petraeus head of NATO forces in Afghanistan says his forces have: "arrested the momentum of the Taliban in many areas of the country and reversed it in some, but by no means all," and he "cautioned that progress is fragile and reversible." Not too confident by any means. At the same time he and his allies issue more threats to Iran concerning its nuclear program and maybe war. If Iran is attacked while Israel continues with its vicious anti Palestinian policies the whole region will blow up.
In South East Asia US capitalism is trying to force its rival China to rein in North Korea. But North Korea has looked at Iraq and concluded that if Hussein really had weapons of mass destruction he might still be on power. They have concluded that it is best to keep their weapons. And China shows no sign of buckling to the demands and threats of US capitalism on this or any other area. China is the rising world power and it understands the developing crisis of US capitalism. But we need to be careful. An old wounded beast such as the US, long used to being number one, can make some bad mistakes and do great damage when losing its number one position and seeing itself replaced by another.
Obama continues to preside over 20 million plus people in the US who are forced not to work by his capitalist system. This is a catastrophic waste of resources. This system and all its representatives such as Obama have forfeited all right to lead and the system has forfeited the right to exist. He continues to preside over the hounding of Assange and wikileaks, trying to keep the dirty secrets of US capitalism behind closed doors. He stands against the struggle of the Georgia prisoners to be paid for their labor. This prison system is a slave system. Obama supports it. Obama is a servant of the corporations and their capitalist system. As I said, he is a slick bourgeois politician.
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