Bush: Arrogant liar to American people to start wars for oil and power. These kill American and Middle Eastern people. He walks around free. Meanwhile Bradley Manning who exposes his lies is held in prison. Free Bradley Manning. See our program for this below.
Bradley Manning the young soldier charged with giving information to wikileaks is in an American jail charged with letting us know what has really been happening behind the closed doors of US capitalist foreign policy over the past years. It is our right to know what has been done and said in our name. We owe Bradley Manning. We need to support Bradley Manning and campaign for his release and the dropping of all charges.
We need to campaign also for the release of Assange from house arrest and for the setting up of a commission of women trade unionists and activists, male and female, to give the women who are making allegations against him the chance to have their case heard. But there must be no support for trying Assange in a capitalist court. To do so would be to support a show trial and would be to put Assange away along with Manning.
Look at some of the background and context. The Bush government and the US corporations and military lied to the American people to launch the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we know and many of us knew then there was not. They said that they needed to invade Afghanistan to get Al-Qaeda when we know that most of the 9/11 people were from Saudi Arabia but of course they would not invade this country with its vast oil reserves and its ruling classes' close ties to the Bush family and the US ruling class. Plus Saudi Arabia was already securely in their hands. It was a base in Afghanistan they wanted to secure a stronger base in central Asia as a whole and to put a ring around Russia and China. So we had 9/11 and the lies to the American people.
The wikileaks cables are helping to expose this and other crimes of the American ruling class, this lying to the American people to get tens and tens of thousands of young poor Americans to go and fight and die in the Middle East and to kill tens and tens of thousands of people living at peace in their own countries. And of course as every day goes by and as every US bomb is dropped this turns more and more people in the region into enemies of the US. This is against the interests of the American people. It is only in the interests of the American corporations. If it was Bradley Manning who helped expose information in relation to these lies and crimes then he is an American hero and should be immediately released and all charges dropped.
Look at the hypocrisy of American capitalism, its bought politicians, military leaders, journalists and press. The Bush regime exposed the names of its own CIA agents to undermine their opinion that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. Yet the people who did this are walking around free in the corridors of power while Bradley Manning is in prison facing charges that could keep him there for life if we do not act and make them let him free. We need to see the cables and correspondence dealing with foreign and military policy and with economic policy. Remember when Cheyney had a meeting with oil executives in his capacity as vice President. To this day he will not say and we cannot find out who was present and what was decided. Yet he was supposedly acting in our name. Were decisions made which allowed for the spill in the gulf? We need to know these things.
Then there is 9/11. How much did the US government or elements within it know about this in advance? Maybe these cables will help. They could not hinder that is for sure. Already we have this information. Ernest Welteke, President of the German Bundesbank concluded that there must have been a bunch of "speculators who knew of the attacks in advance" and "there have been fundamental movements in the markets of the airlines and the oil price rise which are otherwise inexplicable." He said that his bank carried out a study in what it called "terrorism insider trading." Then there is the Deutsche bank. It bet in advance of 9/11 that the shares of United Airlines would fall, which of course they did. The firm that was used to make these bets was headed by a man called Buzzy Krongrad who went on to become executive director of the CIA!!!!! Well now it gets fishier and fishier. Yes we need to see all these cables and to find out what went on behind closed doors.
The contents of these cables and correspondence can shed light on the wars and invasions and deaths in the Middle East and help end these wars and so save lives. Far from endangering peoples lives as is claimed by the ruling classes in the world who want to keep their secrets the opening up of all correspondence between the various powers will save lives. They will help end the wars.
Then there are the cables of the relations between the various capitalists and corporations themselves. These will undoubtedly contain their discussions on why and how they must cut wages, jobs and conditions. These would be extremely useful in that they would show how the bosses attack the working class, their plans to step up these attacks and also their day to day tactics and how best to fight them. These cables would also show how US capitalism is as the Wall Street Journal puts "it awash with cash." How did they get to be so?. Awash with cash? Let us see that.
See our program below in which we campaign for the release of Bradley Manning, the release of Assange from house arrest. And for the freedom of information and an end to all secret diplomacy to be the basis of all relations between states, corporations and governments and the people.
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