Saturday, November 6, 2010

Profits, capitalism's war machines and mass rapes.

US and allies war machines need minerals and ore from Central Africa so blind eye is turned to mass rapes.

In today's New York Times there is a report of another mass rape in Central Africa. Women are being raped in their tens of thousands. These rapes are being carried out by the forces of these states and also by the militias in the area. These state forces and militias are backed by the corporations and military industrial complexes in the worlds major powers such as the USA. They want the minerals in the area for their military machines and they want the profits they can make from the diamonds and gold etc., from this extremely resource wealthy part of the continent. These corporations and militaries will do anything for their profits and powers.

Today's New York Times reported that over 600 women were raped on the Congo/Angola border in the past few weeks. The women reported that they were locked in buildings and raped repeatedly by the Angolan state forces. Many of them were raped by the soldiers rifles and pieces of wood as well as the soldiers themselves. This is so horrific that we can hardly imagine it. But this is what we must do. Imagine the pain and terror and injuries involved in this. Many of the women have internal injuries so severe that they are permanently incontinent. After this rape of the 600 women which took place in Angola the women were forced to walk back into the Congo naked. This is a nightmare.

The US corporations and the corporations of the major industrial countries and the militaries of these countries turn a blind eye to these horrific rapes. 200 more women were raped in Eastern Congo a few weeks ago. They turn a blind eye because they want the minerals in the area for their military machines and they want the profits they can make from these minerals and diamonds etc. in the area. And it is these utterly degenerate and corrupt state machines and militias that can get them from them. They are allowed to carry out the rapes as long as they deliver the minerals and ores. We in the workers movement must use our industrial muscle to prevent the transport and use of any of these blood soaked minerals and ores. And we must help the doctors and nurses and medical teams who go into these areas to help heal the women who are so badly injured.

1 comment:

MaggieP said...

Thanks for reminding us of this. We know that capitalism values human life just like it does any other commodity; its useful as long as money can be made out of it.

Capitalism is cruel and inhumane, it is cruel to men and boys, but it is catastrophic for so many women and girls in this world. Whether they are young women in Thailand who are forced in to the sex trade or part of a pool of potential brides for visiting Europeans and Americans or a woman in Iran who is facing stoning or a luckier one in Saudi Arabia that might be looking to 100 lashes for stepping outside the house without a male relative accompanying her.

I love that line from Dolores Claiborne where the old woman she worked for said that sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has, when she was advising Dolores to help her husband have a convenient accident.