Saturday, October 2, 2010

Stop FBI Repression! National Days of Action October 4 & 5

Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Actions to Stop FBI Repression Take Place Across the Country!
Further actions planned for coming week on October 4 and 5

Thousands have come together in response to the FBI raids on seven homes and an anti-war office on Friday, September 24, 2010. Across the country organizations and individuals are standing together to protest the United States government’s attempt to silence and criminalize anti-war and international solidarity activists.

Jess Sundin said, “These raids and subpoenas are an attack on anti-war and other
progressive movements. It is an attack on our freedom to speak, our freedom to assemble with like-minded people, and our freedom to tell the government that their actions and policies are wrong. It is an attempt to clear the way for more wars and occupations of other countries by the U.S. military.”

Protests against the intimidation and harassment have taken place or are planned for 39 cities across the country. From Minneapolis and Chicago ,to Los Angeles, Atlanta, Kalamazoo MI and Dallas Texas, The response has been tremendous an continues to grow.

We are calling for further actions to take place in the coming week as the first Grand Jury Subpoenas call for activists to appear on October 5.
Monday October 4 : 
Call President Obama at 202-456-1111 and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at 202-353-1555

Demand :
**End repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists!
**Return all materials seized in the raid!
**Stop the Grand Jury Subpoenas of activists!

Tuesday October 5: Act in solidarity with activists called  before the Grand Jury

Take action at local federal buildings and FBI offices! Organize demonstrations in your community! Sign the Petition Now:

Funds for legal defense will be needed. We will announce where they can be sent in the next few days.
Reach out to your organization or community group and send a statement of solidarity.
Steff Yorek, a long-time antiwar activist and one of the activists whose homes was searched said, “The assistance and support we have already received has been tremendously encouraging, with your help we can stop this outrageous fishing expedition and attack on progressive movements.” 

Contact us for leaflet
Please print and distribute at Oct 2 March in DC and in your community today!
Committee To Stop FBI Repression:

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