Saturday, October 2, 2010

Common US expressions. Consciousness. Action.

US civil rights movement. The whole world listened, it was not what it was again, and people saw what it was they could do. Contact us. Let us do such things again.

There are a few commonly heard US expressions which make me mad. "What are you gonna do?" "It is what it is." "Sure nobody would listen to me anyway." These sayings reflect one thing. Passivity in the face of the crisis that capitalism and the capitalist class bring to peoples lives. They reflect that many people think there is nothing they can do. Let us take them one by one.

"What are you gonna do?" Well we can agitate, organize and educate. This would be a good start. Get millions on to the streets and taking over the workplaces this would be something to do. Explain how our problems are caused by capitalism. This is what happened in the 1960's and look at the changes that were made. The black revolt threw back racism, the mass movement on the streets and the revolt of the rank and file of the US military ended the Vietnam war and the women's movement threw back sexism. Plenty was done and changes were made for the better.

"It is what it is." Well a good start here is to realize that it is never the case that "it is what it is." Things are always changing and developing in one way or another. I remember in Ireland in the early 1960's the general feeling was that the North could never be changed. That is it was what it was. But changed it was with the mass civil rights movement. It was the same here in the US the mass civil rights movement forced major changes. Today in the US it is not what it is either. Under the surface the pressure is building for an explosive movement against capitalism.

"Sure nobody would listen to me anyway." Well that depends. Maybe not many will listen to one person. But sure as hell somebody will listen to millions. The ruling capitalist class will listen to millions taking action on the streets and in the workplaces. The rest of our own class the working class will listen and be inspired to join our actions by a movement of millions on the streets and in the workplaces. Yes with the right action people will listen.

The union leaders should organize to take such actions and give such leadership. We the radicals and the left should organize in the workplaces and unions and communities fighting caucuses to build for such change. Contact us and let us work together to build a movement for change.


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