Friday, July 30, 2010

The documents on the war in Afghanistan. Think about it.

Tens of thousands of documents are now available on the internet on the war in Afghanistan. These tell in great detail what has been going one and how hard it will be for US capitalism to win its objectives. The US government, military and capitalists are frothing at the mouth with rage about this information becoming public. They fear the the majority of the US population will become convinced the war cannot be won and turn actively against the war. We should think what this says about US society.

The US tax payer, that is mainly the US working class, pays most of the taxes to fund this war. It is only right therefore that the US taxpayer should know what is going on, what we are paying for. But this is not the way things work. US capitalism is in Afghanistan and elsewhere for its own class interests not for the interests of the US working class population. As a result it has to lie and cover things up. United we stand we see everywhere, the flag is flown, this is all to try and convince US workers that it is in their interest to go to war in Afghanistan, that we are all in this together. Therefore the truth cannot be let out.

The invasions and wars of US capitalism into other countries are not in the interest of the people of these countries either. So it has to lie about its role and actions for these reasons too.

And there are other reasons they need the cover up. For every person they kill and wound in these countries they recruit new members to the militant islamic groups. And for every person they kill they bring closer the day when some of these groups will set off a major attack in a major US or European city which will kill tens of thousands. The policies of US capitalism in Afghanistan make the people of the US and entire world more unsafe. But they do not care. they just want to secure control over the territories and resources of the countries they invade. They do not want us to read the secret documents for these reasons. We might see what is in our own interests.

Capitalism is a rotten lying system and undemocratic. it does not work.


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