Friday, July 23, 2010


I think a big question for most of the activists and people that read this blog is; why is it that the majority of people continue to tolerate a system which they know is run by the rich and which they know does not represent their interests?  The main reason I think is that they can see no alternative.

The responsibility for this lies with the union and labor leaders who control the millions of members in the unions and workplaces. If these people would lead and give an alternative we would have a mass movement for change. But they refuse to do so. The reason they refuse to do so is they believe that capitalism is the only system, that the working class cannot build an alternative system and they themselves are doing pretty good out of capitalism. They believe that if they took any action that would lead to a mass movement of the working class this would lead only to chaos and the danger that they would loose their positions and perks. These are the central fundamental features that lie at the heart of the political crisis in this country and explain why the consciousness of the working class is such as to tolerate the continuation of capitalism. This is the reason why capitalism continues to win the struggle for the consciousness of the working class.

How will this change? After all we must believe it will change or we would not continue to work to build an alternative. It will change through a combination of processes. The main  one being that capitalism will enter deeper into crisis and be unable to continue to give what it presently gives to the working class. That is, it will be unable to provide the wherewithal to allow the working class to have enough to live on in the advanced capitalist countries. This economic crisis of capitalism will give rise to events in the lives of the working class, increased mass poverty and starvation, to the extent that the working class in the advanced capitalist countries such as the USA, just like is the case at present in the former colonial countries, will not be able to tolerate life under capitalism any more. The continuation and equilibrium of capitalism world wide depends on the working class in the advanced capitalist countries being able to get by. When this no longer exists then a mass movement for change will develop. This will be of such proportions that it will split the union and labor leadership and allow for a new leadership to be built.

But while seeing this process of events and understanding that the crisis of capitalism will be necessary to set it in motion on a mass scale, that is while having this perspective, so we do not burn ourselves out, activists must not be passive and wait for these events. We must build alternative fighting anti capitalist oppositions in the unions, the work places, the communities and link these together internationally. This is our task. Contact us at this blog. Work together collectively against capitalism. Help build collectively for the Democratic Socialist Alternative.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a complicated mystery as to why more people don't support workers movements.the media and racist beliefs keep people distracted and divided.thanks so much for the in depth article on this very important subject