Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have said before on this blog that when I hear talk of the "international community" this makes me mad. The "International Community" is a formulation to hide the fact that what is being talked about is imperialism, that is the capitalist classes in the major capitalist countries that run the world. We have an article today in the Wall Street Journal on Chicago politics and this also contains talk of "community." In this case they are dealing with the thug and the son of the thug Daley and will he run again for Mayor. The Daleys have shown themselves to be a not too intelligent crowd. But a Daley has been Mayor of Chicago for 42 of the past 55 years. It is interesting to consider this. Could there be a "community", a class, that has made this happen.

The Wall Street Journal article gives the answer. It talks about the different groupings in the city. It talks about the more than 45 members of Daley's administrations who have been convicted of corruption. But then it goes on to explain why the Daley machine has ruled so long. It speaks of the "business community." Here we are, "community" again. The "community" the article is talking about is the very powerful and rich capitalist class in the city, the real power that runs the city. Just like when the talk is about the "international community" the motive for using the word "community" in the Wall Street Journal article in relation to Chicago, is to hide the class reality from the working class, to undermine class consciousness in the working class. This mouthpiece of capitalism does not want to increase the class consciousness of the working class in the city. So it talks about the capitalist class in the city as the "business community."

This article then goes on to explain that "as long as he (Daley) has the nominal support of the business community its hard to imagine anyone stepping up and challenging him." This blog sees things overwhelmingly in class terms. The use of the term "community" by the capitalist class when they describe themselves and their class confirms that we are right.


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