Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ratzinger: More worried about liberation theology than child abuse.

Ratzinger, the present unelected head of the Catholic Church, the worlds biggest and most wealthy cult, when Bishop in Germany transferred a child abusing priest to another parish so the crime could be covered up, the Church's name protected and the predator could carry on with his crimes.

On another front Ratzinger was not so laid back. One of the priests over whom he had control said mass at a peace demonstration. Ratzinger punished him for this. The New York Times states: "Benedict was a stern disciplinarian on the issue that propelled him up the church hierarchy. An early enthusiast for reform in the Catholic Church in the early 1960's, he soon changed his mind and joined the ranks of those trying to put the brakes on the liberalizing forces unleashed by the counter culture movement." An opportunist as well as everything else.

The New York Times while critizing Ratzinger is leaving out a few details, or rather slanting things a bit towards its own capitalist bias. The Catholic Church, the major Church of capitalism worldwide, was convulsed in the 1960's and 1970's with a struggle between the rise of the liberation theology movement which believed the church should stand for and with the poor and the established leadership of the church which believed it should stand with capitalism and landlordism and at all costs protect its own wealth and power. The liberation theology movement was crushed and driven out of the church. Ratzinger helped with this.

But not only that, the Church allowed its resources, its organizers, priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals, popes, and wealth and structures to help US and world imperialism work with capitalism and land lordism in Latin America to crush the left and the forces that wanted a better life for working people. This crushing of the left and the radical forces took the form of military dictatorships helped and organized by US imperialism which slaughtered workers, peasants and youth throughout latin America and internationally. The catholic Church was part of. Ratzinger was part of. The leaders of the mass cult the Catholic church have a history of involvement in mass murder. On top of that there is now the child abuse epidemic where tens of thousands of children have been and still are being abused and their lives ruined. We need to be clear on this. Nobody should think this is not happening anymore. These predators are still working away.

The Catholic Church is the biggest and richest cult in the world. Its history is one of criminal brutality. Its "good deeds" cannot cover this essential reality. Anybody with a conscience and who looks at reality must leave this organization and condemn its policies and history. If they have not the strength to do this then they must stand up and fight to end its vicious male dominated anti women pro rich and capitalist policies, its non democratic ways. Sitting and going along with its dirty history and its present dirty works is not an option for any decent person.


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