Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kissinger the war criminal. US: supporter of mass terror and murder

Documents have recently been released by Chilean intelligence. They confirm what we have always explained about Henry Kissinger. He is a war criminal and mass murderer. According to these documents 22,000 people, mostly left activists, were murdered by the Argentine military dictatorship between 1975 and 1978. Many of these were taken out in helicopters and thrown into the sea. Many of them suffered this horrific death after being tortured. Kissinger gave the go ahead to this terrorism. In the released documents he is quoted as saying to the Argentine generals and mass murderers: "If there are things that have to be done you should do them quickly." So much for democracy.

Today Kissinger sits on the boards of many corporations. A reward for his criminal behavior and a recognition of his contacts and knowledge of the right wing regimes and state forces around the world. He is intimately involved with US and world capitalism. He retains his links with the US and world military and so called intelligence organizations, that is the state apparatus of the various capitalist regimes. He continues to play his role as mass murderer and war criminal. He does not do the killings himself, he never has. He does it by giving the go ahead, by speaking with his contacts, by keeping the ear of the regimes of the imperialist countries and their state apparatuses, by introducing the various killing outfits to each other, by making the links between the various capitalist regimes.


1 comment:

Richard Mellor said...

Kissinger is indeed the mass murderer par excellance.

He is also closely tied to Freeport macMoran, the copper mining group, not to mention the Carlyle group.

He is also connected to the assanitaion of Rene Schneider, the constitutionalist General in Chile who, despite disagreeing with him politically, defended Allende on constitutional grounds as the freely elected president.

A good short book to read about a couple of Kissingers dirty deals is Christopher Hitchens' The Trial of Henry Kissinger