Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Zionism's Pact With European Fascism is Temporary. Europe's Jews Will be Targets When it Breaks Down

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

David Hearst is the Editor-In Chief of the Middle East Eye that provides us with real news from Palestine rather than CNN, BBC and other western outlets pro-Zionist propaganda. He is absolutely correct that Israel and Zionism is a danger to Jews, threatening their safety throughout the world. More importantly, the Zionist and European fascist alliance is temporary and, as he says, when the fascists have "trimmed" the Muslim population they will come after the Jews just and they did in the past that led to the Holocaust.

In the US but probably the UK too, the real history of the region is not widely known. I have had many Americans tell me that Jews and Muslims have been killing each other for a thousand years. They said the same about Northern Ireland, that it was a religious war.  The reality that Arab Jews and Arab Muslims, lived together in relative harmony, particularly in Palestine, is not understood by most, it's purposefully hidden.  Jews occupied positions of power and prestige in the Arab world in the main. 

 WW1 and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire changed this situation as British and US capitalism saw an opportunity  to gain a foothold in this vital region and the idea of a state for Europe's Jews gained traction.  The Nazi's and the resulting slaughter of some twelve million people, in death camps,  an estimated six million of them Jews gave further impetus to the idea of a Jewish state and was also a handy way of getting rid of Europe's Jewish problem.

It is a tragedy of history that the Palestinian people, once a nation of Muslims, Jews and Christians have been punished for Europe's centuries old discrimination and violence against Jewish Europeans.  Had they placed the state of Israel in Bavaria the world would have seen some violence. But this was not viable. Palestine was a geo-political decision. Bavaria would not have achieved the same gaol. 

Global capitalism is incapable of resolving this crisis that is of its own making. The US or European capitalist class cannot resolve it, indeed, it is backing it, financing it; Kamala Harris, if she is elected will pursue the same foreign policy as a staunch defender of US imperialism; Biden and Harris will be remembered as the Genocide duo. A defeat for the Zionist Apartheid state would deal a crushing blow to US and western imperialist interests in the region at a time when it is facing serious economic competition on the world stage from China and the emerging BRICS.

It is almost impossible to see in to the future, especially when the end of life as we know it cannot be ruled out through climate change or nuclear war. What I can say is that I am convinced the working classes of the world, of the Middle East, of Europe, will enter the world stage at some point in time. We have the power to counter the capitalist offensive. How and when a movement will arise  no one can say but arise it will, and a form of democratic socialist governance will be on the table.

There are no guarantees in this world, but the stakes are high, we have nothing to lose but the future

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